People who know me can definitely attest to the fact that I am pretty much obsessed with nut butters. There are absolutely no flaws in these creamy (or crunchy, if you prefer it like that), sweet and salty spreads. From toast to bananas to your spoon, it’s hard to find a food that doesn’t work well with almond, peanut, cashew, or even hazelnut butter.
Now combine my love for this snack with the fact that I’m an over-scheduled, sleep-deprived college student. This is where RX’s new line of nut butter packets comes in. The company known for making tasty protein bars with just a few “no BS” ingredients has launched a line of these packets as its newest venture. I can just take a pre-portioned packet of honey cinnamon peanut butter, vanilla almond butter, or one of the other mouth-watering flavors, with me for on-the-go use. Here are some of my favorite uses for my new right-hand-snack.
With a Banana
Bananas and peanut butter has been a classic duo for many Americans, including Elvis. Elvis did not have the opportunity to try vanilla almond butter though. Give your banana a good smear of this creamy goodness, and you will experience something truly amazing. I recommend the vanilla version since flavor isn’t overpowering, but just sweet enough to add something to that typical almond taste.
On Your Oatmeal
I pretty much rely on oatmeal for a solid breakfast almost every morning, but I’ll be the first to admit it gets pretty boring after a while. These days, I really like dressing up my morning oats with packet of nut almond butter for more flavor and protein at the same time.
#SpoonTip: Maple almond butter works well for a cozy, fall-feeling bowl of oatmeal.
With an Apple
Yeah, yeah–an apple and peanut butter reminds you of your after school snack in middle school. But try a honey cinnamon peanut butter packet with a Honeycrisp apple. Truly life-changing. The sweetness of the apple and the nuttiness of the peanut butter are just a match made in heaven.
Drizzled on your Smoothie Bowl
You know those beautiful smoothie bowls with the nut butter on top that just makes your mouth water? Stop spending money on those and make it yourself. Blend together some fruit, throw on some fun granolas and seeds, and finish it off with a gorgeous drizzle of RX peanut butter.
By Itself
If I’m being honest, the best way to eat it is just ripping the top off and eating a packet straight up. Especially when I’m in a rush, taking a packet with me to class and enjoying some peanut butter when I get those hunger pangs is really a life saver.
As you can tell, I love eating these RX nut butter packets with pretty much everything. Whether it’s with a piece of fruit, slathered on toast, on top of chocolate, or on its own, the RX nut butters hit the spot. They’re convenient, individually packaged, and most importantly, delicious.