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This Pizza Chain Is Flying NYC Water to Ghana So a Restaurant Can Make “Authentic” Pizza

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Queen's U chapter.

Everyone has their favourite pizza chain. Personally, I couldn’t live without Domino’s delivery. Whether it’s the sauce, dough, or cheese, every restaurant has its own take on pizza that makes it unique. But how far should a business go to preserve the taste of their signature dish? 

Famous Famiglia pizza, based in New York City, has locations in Hong Kong, Ecuador, Canada, and all across the United States. According to their website, the chain prioritizes their brand and has high expectations for product quality.

The opening of Famous Famiglia’s newest location in Ghana has sparked some interest on the web. The NYC pizza chain plans to ship 100 gallons of New York tap water to their new location every week—enough to make 1,000 pizzas.

The co-owner of the new store, Dan Isaacs, told the New York Post, “I want to have the exact same pizza as in New York City … I’m a purist—I wouldn’t want to do anything less than the original.”

Even though Famous Famiglia already ships water to many of its other international locations, the owners believe that this could be the first time New York City’s water has been shipped to an African country.

This decision raises an interesting question. Is it okay to supply clean water to a pizza restaurant in Ghana when 3 million people in that same country struggle to access safe drinking water?

Fortunately, Famous Famiglia is worried about these same issues. According to Munchies, they’ve vowed to donate a portion of the store’s profits to Clean Acwa, a Ghana-based nonprofit whose goal is to “empower rural communities in Ghana to achieve 100% water and sanitation coverage.”

If you ever visit Ghana, pay a visit to Famous Famiglia and see if you can taste the NYC water in its classic pizza dough.

Tegwyn Hughes

Queen's U '20

Tegwyn is a first-year Arts student at Queen's University, and hopes to study History and Politics. When she isn't in the kitchen praying for the perfect cake, Tegwyn enjoys nature, literature, and Netflix. Oh, and eating.