
This Season's Most Talked About Bachelorette Contestants as Foods

Chris Harrison is right about this season of The Bachelorette-- it is NOTHING like what we've ever seen before. With such a wide spectrum of contestants -from the cute chiropractor Brian, to the self-proclaimed "Whaboom" Lucas-, I think the best way to keep all of these "interesting" contestants straight is to assign them to a food. So, here's a list of the most talked-about contestants from this season of The Bachelorette with what they would be as foods. 

Blake E. - Apple Cider Vinegar

Although Blake E. hasn't gotten a lot of screen-time just yet, it seems like he uses his camera time to complain about other contestants (mainly Lucas). In short, Blake E. is a pretty sour guy. I'm sure when you get to know him, he's a great person, but off the bat, he comes across fairly off-putting and acrid. So, Blake E. is definitely like the trendy apple cider drink that smells not-so-great but is probably good for you if you spend enough time to try it. 

Bryan - Arepas

Arepas are a traditional Colombian dish that are delicious and perfect with a variety of fillings. Similarly, Bryan is also from Colombia and a snack. From their interaction on night one, it seems that Rachel likes him a lot. The Bachelorette fans have given him their stamp of approval, much like Arepas have become popular all over Latin America. 

DeMario - Sad Fish Sandwich

On night 1, I (like a lot of people) was charmed by DeMario and thought he would be a front-runner all season. That all changed when Rachel found out that he had a girlfriend and sent him packing. This reminded me of a post I saw about someone who ordered a fish sandwich and requested that the cheese be "on the side". The person thought they were getting one thing, but it turned out to be totally different, just like Bachelorette fans felt about DeMario. 

Fred - S'mores

Fred revealed on the first night that he had known Rachel from years before The Bachelorette. Turns out, she was his camp counselor when they were kids! Even though Rachel admits that he was a "bad boy" when they were younger, he has come back as a pretty quality guy. So, Fred is definitely a s'more-- he reminds Rachel of her childhood days at camp, and he's pretty sweet as well! If all of this s'more-talk is making you as hungry as I am, but you don't want to break out the campfire, here's a recipe for s'mores dip

Lucas (Whaboom) - Giant Cheesesteak

The first thing that comes to mind when I see (or hear) Lucas is the word "extra". "Whaboom"-Lucas is a very dramatic, out-there kind of guy. Similarly, this cheesesteak loaded with steak, cheese, coleslaw, and fries is as dramatic and wild as a cheesesteak gets. My guess is after eating this whole thing, your stomach will also go "Whaboom"! If you're into cheesesteaks that are normal sized, look no further than the best cheesesteak places in Philadelphia! 

Peter - Grilled Cheese

First off, Peter is from Wisconsin, so it is fitting that he is represented by a dairy food! On his one-on-one with Rachel, he proved that he was a kind, fun, and comforting guy (especially when he agreed to have Rachel's dog on their date). He's much like a grilled cheese sandwich, which is always comforting and easy-going. Pro tip: for your next Bachelorette viewing party, try making one of these crowd-pleasing grilled cheese sandwiches

Even though it seems like this season of The Bachelorette is just like any other (with the same drama, yelling, and crying as the other seasons), this season's contestants prove that this season is unlike any other. When you have occupations like "Puppet", "Tickle Monster" and "Whaboom", and you set the contestants apart by what food they represent, you can see that each contestant is WAY different in their own way.