
How You Can Recreate SpoonUD and Grubhub's Studyhub Event for Yourself

No one believed me when I told them Spoon University and Grubhub had partnered to give UD students completely free food and massages. Constant responses to this event deemed "Studyhub" included "what's the catch?" or just "why?". Curiosity and hunger led over 600 students to see the magic for themselves. If you missed it, here's how you can recreate the SpoonUD and Grubhub's Studyhub event for yourself.


One of the first things Studyhub attendees had the opportunity to try was a free 5-minute Massage Envy massage. People were waiting over 10 minutes at one point just to have the ultimate free relaxation. 

While we can't help you with more free massages, meditating is the next best, free option to relax. It's easier than it sounds and you can customize it in the safety of your own home or dorm. 

Get Artsy

Studyhub gave students both full hearts and full stomachs with childhood games and the simple craft of sharpie art. 

Take your doodle notes to the next level and take a study break with cookie decorating or an adult coloring book. Whatever you need to get those creative juices flowing, whether you use that energy to study later is up to you. 

Treat Yourself with Grubhub

One of the most important parts of Studyhub was the food. If there's one thing college students want, it's free food. Grubhub's partnerships brought UD students free Duck Donuts, Insomnia Cookies, Wings-To-Go, Pat's Pizza, and Papa Johns. With deliveries coming through the night, everyone was able to stuff themselves and some lucky students even scored an entire pie to bring home towards the end of the night. 

The next best thing to free food is having it delivered to your door. Channel whatever craving you've been feeling, forget that formal diet, and treat yourself. 

Support SpoonUD

Whether you come to us for your latest Main Street meal inspiration or check out our other events, we love providing you with the latest food scoop at the University of Delaware and beyond. 

Thank you to everyone that attended Stuyhub. My heart goes out to those who missed all of the free food and good times, but now you know how to recreate it in the comfort of your own home.