
10 Gifts for Your Friends Who Literally Live in the Gym

We all have those people in our lives who love to workout or who want to workout but can't get themselves off the couch. The following gift guide is not just for people who already love to work out, but also for those who always make their New Year's resolution to work out more.

1. Wireless Headphones

Wireless headphones are the perfect gift for anyone from the pro athlete to the beginner, because who likes wires?

2. Barre Socks

These no-slip barre socks are great for anyone who used to be a ballerina or who loves Barre classes.

3. Jump Rope

For people who travel a lot but still need to get in their daily workout, a jump rope is the perfect gift because you can easily role it up and pack it in your bag.

4. Sweat Absorbing Yoga Mat

Whether you know a yogi or a hot yoga yogi, a sweat-proof mat is a great gift to give this holiday season, especially for those who may be trying hot yoga for the first time and need a little extra help not slipping.

5. SoulCycle Gift Card

SoulCycle comes with a big price tag, but a gift card is a great way to help those in your life who want to try it. Or if you know someone who loves SoulCycle already, this gift card can go towards more classes or Soul swag.

6. Fitbit

For many, Fitbits are a great tool to help kickstart their workout regime. If you know someone who has been struggling to start or whose 2017 resolution is to get in shape, then this gift is for them.

7. Touchscreen Gloves

If you know someone who never skips a running day even in the dead of winter, these gloves will come in handy—pun intended.

8. Foam Roller

Foam rolls have a reputation as being painful, but any runner will tell you it's a good type of pain. For tight muscles, a foam roll feels like getting a massage at your dream spa.

9. S'well Water bottle

S'wells are the latest trend in water bottles (if there even are trends in water bottles). For anyone who wants to look chic while working out, a S'well will help them do just that.

10. Socks

People joke about giving others socks as a gift, but I personally believe you can never have enough socks. And anyone who works out a lot will appreciate the gift, since it's really hard to workout without them.