
Get the Most Out Of National Superfoods Day With Rhythm Superfoods

With it still being early in 2018, those of you who committed to resolutions of eating healthier in the new year have probably been able to keep themselves on track so far (unless you’re like me and gave up as soon as offered me french fries). If you’re one of those who’s sticking to your commitment, then congratulations, I applaud you! However, if you need some additional motivation, or have veered off track and need to get back on the healthy eating wagon, there’s no better time to do so than on National Superfoods Day on January 16. Read on to see why superfoods are so crucial to a healthy diet and why you should be incorporating more of them into your daily routine in 2018.

So first off, what exactly are superfoods and which foods count as one and which don’t? Well, superfoods are those that are extremely nutrient-dense and thus provide great nutrition for our diets. They provide quality nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and/or Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to brain function. Additionally, many superfoods can decrease the risk of developing certain diseases and generally have no negative effects on overall health and well-being. Basically, they make you look and feel great, on the inside and out.

2017 introduced us to a lot of trendy superfoods, including kale, quinoa, açaí and chia seeds, just to name a few. In 2018 we’ve already seen a bunch of additional superfoods come into the spotlight, like chickpeas, salmon, maca, flax seeds, hemp and beets. And, some foods that you wouldn’t even think are superfoods actually are, like carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and watermelon. As you can see, a lot of both seemingly ordinary and more ~hip~ foods are considered “super”, and thus great for your health.

To celebrate all these delicious and nutritious foods that contribute to a thriving body and life in 2018, Rhythm Superfoods and Milk & Honey Nutrition, along with some other pretty great superfood partners, decided to make a national holiday of them. This will take place on January 16 of 2018, and on the third Tuesday of every January in the years to come. On this day (and on every other day really) incorporate some superfoods into your meals and snacks to help contribute to a good diet and thus good health.

These two companies have partnered together to create an awesome website that educates people on what superfoods are and why they’re so good for you, as well as listing a ton of easy and delectable recipes to incorporate them into every meal, no matter what the occasion. Try a green smoothie with flax seeds for a quick breakfast on-the-go, thai veggie protein wraps with edamame for lunch, and/or a healthy take on the classic sloppy joe made with ground turkey and sweet potatoes for dinner. With a plethora of superfoods to choose from, you’ll soon find out how easy it easy to incorporate them into your diet.

Additionally, check out some of Rhythm Superfoods’ own ~super~ snacks, like their kale chips, beet chips, and roasted kale. If you don’t think you’re a “kale person” you’re definitely going to change your mind after trying these chips (can speak from experience here). With seven yummy flavors to choose from, including zesty nacho, honey mustard and spicy jalapeno, you won’t even realize you’re eating a healthy alternative to those average greasy potato chips you used to inhale during snack time. These babies contain 4 to 6 grams of protein and are made with only natural ingredients, resulting in a tempting treat that’s far more enticing than a bag of unnaturally colored Doritos, if you ask me.

Milk & Honey nutrition also has some dank recipes utilizing superfoods on their website, as well as meal plan subscriptions and e-books for those who need some help in adopting a healthy diet.

By now I hope I’ve got you convinced to maintain (or start) your healthy eating resolutions for 2018 by adding in superfoods to your diet, not just on National Superfoods Day but for the whole year, as they really can help in contributing to a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. And take a stab at those kale chips, because trust me, they’ll change your life - or at least your snacking habits.

Rhythm Superfoods products were sent to me free of charge, however all opinions are my own.