Have you ever dreamt about every possible delicious treat imaginable magically arriving at your front door? Yeah? Well, obviously you have because if you haven’t, you're crazy. Today, I'm here to be your fairy food god mother and make all of your wishes come true. Introducing, Forklore

What the fork is it?

Forklore is a food discovery platform with the mission of helping people discover the best food out there. They attempt to change the foods people eat and empower a new generation of food makers who make real, artisanal, and, overall, better quality food.

Started by University of Michigan alumni, Forklore’s vision of bettering the future of food began with weekend trips to the farmers market in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Forklore team saw a need to spice up the (sometimes bland) relationships people have with food by providing them with samples of the best of the best. 

How does it work?

When you sign up, Forklore sends you a personalized box of new foods to try out every month, and the selection matches your specific preferences. Each box is carefully hand-picked to include the most highly reviewed products, personalized to include the foods and brands you’ll love, and it even accommodates most dietary restrictions. Dairy, nut, gluten, sugar, and soy free folk — this is your cue to rejoice. Some of the food providers featured in Forklore’s boxes are Tasty Bakery’s Vegan Berry Bars, Mindo Chocolate Makers bars, Milk and Honey granola, and more.

So, whether you're looking to get your foodie friend the greatest birthday gift of all time or you're just looking for a way to satisfy your monthly snack cravings, Forklore is the way to go. Signing up is the easiest thing in the world, and you get to fill out a survey where you check off boxes of all the foods that you love. It’s a piece of cake (ha ha). Just follow this link, and I promise you won't regret it.