
Spoon University's Annual Holiday Cookie Swap Was a Success

On the 28th of December, Spoon University's Headquarters hosted their annual holiday cookie swap which involved members of the Spoon community coming together over our favorite thing — food! This cookie swap had everything from matcha, peanut butter & jelly, and funfetti & oreo cookies to plain and simple vanilla lavender. The cookie monster would definitely be jealous of the cookie swap. 

Most Popular Cookie

The most popular cookie was this photogenic chocolate chip, oreo bite, funfetti masterpiece by Northwestern contributor Lauren Goldstein. These were not only one of the most beautiful cookies we've ever seen, but tasted just as good. 


Each member of spoon that came to the cookie swap was able to take a polaroid picture in front of the Spoon wall, and have it added to the official member wall. This gave us all serious #realworld vibes. Aside from the pics, members also got to make their own goodie bags with the provided cookies and take home super cute #Spoon stickers. 

Office Feels

This well-lit video space was just as pretty in person. It was awesome to be able to film a short clip describing ourselves and our cookies for the Snapchat channel. If you haven't already, add us so you don't miss any of our Spoon endeavors: SpoonTV. 

But wait, there's more!

Because what cookie party doesn't include doughnuts? Although not a soft, chewy chocolate chip cookie, these doughnuts from Dough were a huge hit at the swap. Whether you're in the mood for hibiscus, coffee, cinnamon, or regular glazed, we've got you covered.

Keep your eye out for our next #Spoon get together. We already have post cookie swap depression. Until next December, never forks!