
Bolster Your Immune System With New Wellness Shots From Bolthouse Farms

If you're looking to support a company that is committed to protecting the environment, look to Bolthouse Farms.

Why Drink Bolthouse Farms?

Bolthouse Farms is committed to better farming practices when sourcing the natural ingredients for their delicious juices, smoothies, shakes and wellness shots. They care about the health of their soil and use composted materials to enrich their crops. The brand actively works to reduce and eliminate food waste; which is why Bolthouse Farms uses whole fruits and vegetables in their juices, not just the most commonly used parts. 

Bolthouse Farms has announced several new products including BOLTS wellness shots, protein keto shakes, and a new carrot juice flavor, Carrot Ginger Tumeric. 

BOLTS Wellness Shots

BOLTS are 2oz shots of highly concentrated fruit and vegetable juices power-packed with super foods to help improve your health. 

BOLTS come in five flavors for specific benefits including: 

Wellness: This shot is infused with acai and oregano oil to help improve overall wellness. It is high in antioxidants and anti-virals. 

Digestion: The Digestion shot includes 650MM CFU probiotics as well as apple cider vinegar and ginger to aid digestive health and regularity. 

Immunity: if you want to give your immune system and extra kick, use this immunity shot with 200% daily value of vitamin C made with echinacea and probiotics to help you fight off those pesky common colds. 

Energy: Trying to kick your coffee habit but still need that extra boost of caffeine? The Energy wellness shot has 100mg of caffeine that come directly from coffee fruit extract along with berries and earthy flavors to help you feel energized throughout the day. 

Metabolism: This spicy shot gets its flavor from 66mg of cayenne, tomato and green tea.

These shots are highly concentrated, so if you're not someone who can handle strong flavors, you may want to dilute these shots in water before drinking. After testing them all, I immediately felt more awake and my energy lasted longer throughout the day. 

Protein Keto Shakes

Bolthouse Farms's line of protein keto shakes contain 15 grams of protein, 3 grams of net carbs and just one gram of sugar. These shakes are more than just healthy and protein-packed; they taste good too. I'm always wary of buying protein drinks, as they often have an unpleasant aftertaste, but you can rest assured that this is not the case with Bolthouse Farms keto protein shakes. If you'd like to try them, they come in four delicious flavors: dark chocolate, coconut, coffee and matcha

Carrot Ginger Tumeric Juice

To top it off, Bolthouse Farms is sprucing up their line of juices with Carrot Ginger Tumeric juice.  This is flavorful twist on their classic carrot juice. The Carrot Ginger Tumeric juice is great for those who enjoy drinks with more of a spicy flavor, and it's also great for supporting an anti-inflammatory diet with loads of antioxidants and Vitamin A. 

You can find these flavorful and healthy new products through Bolthouse Farms's website and through several major retailers