
The Best Valentine's Day Deals to Enjoy If You're Single

Valentine's Day is the day of the year to celebrate that one special person in your life and the love that you share. For some, that special person is themselves. And that's perfectly okay! These are the best Valentine's Day freebies to enjoy if you're single, celebrating self-love this year, and aren't ashamed to embrace it.

Dairy Queen

If you're single this Valentine's Day, Dairy Queen has made the perfect blizzard to make the lonely day a little better. Even those in relationships might consider going single for the day to try the new flavor: Royal Ultimate Choco Brownie Blizzard Treat. One sip in and you'll already have forgotten that annoying couple from high school who announced their engagement today.


Who needs a date to enjoy a movie? This year Redbox is offering a free DVD rental when you text PUSH to 727272. So rent that movie you've been wanting to watch, appreciate the fact that you don't have to share your popcorn or blankets, and have an incredible single Valentine's Day movie date. 


Newly single on Valentine's Day? Go to Hooters this year with a picture of your ex and rip it up to get ten free chicken wings. And sure, going to Hooters on Valentines Day isn't the most romantic thing in the world but hey! You're single now. Live your life.  

Shake Shack

Technichally, Shake Shack is offering a cute BOGO Free milkshake for you and your sweetheart, but there's no reason those who are single can't take advantage of this deal too. Enjoy both milkshakes, try two different flavors, take one home and fend off all the boys in your yard. You don't have anyone to share with, and in this case, that's a good thing.

TGI Fridays

Bottles of wine are half priced all Valentine's Day Weekend. What more needs to be said about this one?

Everyone deserves to enjoy Valentine's Day; don't let your relationship status ruin your fun this February. And who knows! Maybe you'll meet someone new and single while you're waiting to pay for your milkshake. Wouldn't that be a funny story to tell your grandkids?