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Best Places to Keep Warm During a SU Snowstorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Syracuse chapter.

Hendricks Chapel Reading Room

Keep Warm
Madeline Foreman

This comfy nook is a great place to cozy up and get your homework done while you keep warm. The old fashioned furniture and darker colors give you a sense of calm, while outside you smell the pleasant aroma of coffee from People’s Place which is located right outside. While you’re at it, might as well grab a hot coffee. 

Upper section of Carnegie Library

Keep Warm
Madeline Foreman

Carnegie Library is gigantic, but there are ways to find spots that don’t make you uncomfortable. Sitting on the main floor always makes me feel pressured to do work and be quiet to the point where I get anxious, so I have found places to work that give me a serene environment and are almost never full. Escaping the cold by being surrounded by books creates a calming study time. Not to mention, this is the photography section of the library. Looking at beautiful pictures by amazing artists always makes for an interesting break during studies. 

Basement of Bird Library

Keep Warm
Madeline Foreman

While Bird has many comfy places, the basement is the best spot because of its booths. These are much more comfortable than sitting on plastic chairs that you can’t roll yourself into a ball on. While you study as well you can order a drink from the cafe above, and make the experience extra cozy. Some extra spots in Bird include the upper floors back wall tables and the study cubicles on the main floor next to the cafe. 

Jabberwocky Cafe

Keep Warm
Madeline Foreman

Filled with couches and places to work, the Jabberwocky cafe in the basement of Schine isn’t usually too busy. You can lay on the couch or just take a quick nap as you get your work done. The cafe is isolated and very warm. If you bring some friends you can also get a game of pool in during your breaks with the cafes pool table. Along with that, you can pick up a coffee from Dunkin’ in the food court before you trek downstairs. 

Panasci Lounge

Keep Warm
Madeline Foreman

It’s no secret Panasci Lounge in Schine is one of the most comfortable places on campus and very accessible. With fireplaces, long couches, and large windows it is the perfect spot to get work done during a snowstorm. Be careful though, this popular spot is almost always filled. You can also grab a warm drink from the Schine food court directly downstairs. 

The 3rd and 4th floors of Newhouse 3

Keep Warm
Madeline Foreman

You may have seen these spots briefly, but Newhouse 3 has tiny spots in the back corners and sides that are couches and usually aren’t filled. Along with that Newhouse 3 is very quiet and dark which keeps the comfy mood. Food.com is also located in Newhouse 3 where you can grab some tea. Some extra spots in Newhouse include the desks on floor 3 located in front of the lab windows, or the tunnel leading into Newhouse 1 from Newhouse 2 also located on floor 3. All of these are comfy and quiet. 

Overall Syracuse University has many comfortable places. Whether you are in-between classes during the snowy weather or looking for a spot to escape your dorm, these are the ones you should snuggle up at. 

I'm Maddy, I'm a photographer from NYC studying Photography in Newhouse. I love trying new foods and going on adventures to new restaurants!