
Avocado Art That Will Make You Question the Meaning of Life

You would have to be pretty out of the loop to not realize that avocados are probably the single most instagrammed food right now. People love to post pictures of avocado art, a sophisticated version of playing with your food. 

It all began with avocado toast. Then someone decided to get creative with their knife skills.

Since the first avocado rose appeared, people all over the world have started to try their hands at making avocado art. It's a fun way to make healthy food look pretty. I always enjoy eating my food more when it looks nice, so I'm totally for this new trend.

You wouldn't believe these sixteen creations. 

1. Quadruple Avocado Rose

Because one avocado rose simply isn't going to cut it anymore.

2. On a Bloody Mary

Adding booze to anything makes it about ten times better. In this case, the avocado really does go well with the tomato base of the Bloody Mary

3. Does this even qualify as avocado toast anymore?

On her Instagram, Bettina frequently posts pictures of amped-up avocado toast. Check out this article if you're looking for ways to step up your avocado toast game. 

4. Every Shape in One Breakfast

If you're not quite on the level of making an avocado rose, you can try cutting out avocado shapes to make your toast insta-worthy. It's easier than it looks and the possibilities are endless. 

#SpoonTip: If your knife skills really are lacking, try using a cookie cutter instead. 

5. Floral Avocado

While it may look stamped or photoshopped, this avocado was actually hand-carved. I applaud this artist's patience and avocado-picking abilities. 

6. Flower Arrangement or Poke?

What better vessel for serving poke than an avocado? Top it off with a bunch of flowers and you're sure to have an insta-famous creation

7. Garden or Hummus Bowl?

Next up in the "what is it really?" series is this appetizer that's as delicious as it is aesthetically pleasing. The variety of toppings around the outside means every bite will have a different flavor. 

8. The Perfect Rice Cake Topper

This picture is all the proof I need that rice cakes are the perfect vessel for avocado roses. 

9. Showing the Avo Love

We all love avocados; we may just not have the patience or skill to show it like this Instagram artist does. 

10. The Perfect Burger is Art

In my humble opinion, creating the perfect burger is an art form. So, with an avocado as the bun, this burger automatically qualifies as art. 

11. Is that Pixelated?

This avocado art optical illusion had me doing a double take the first time I saw it. Plus, it's all divided up so you can get some avocado in every bite of your meal. 

12. Toast that Taunts

Not only is this toast a fun way to start the morning, but that avocado underneath the taunt happens to be perfectly sliced

13. Literally Everything From the World’s First Avocado Bar

Beware of searching for the world's first avocado bar, Avocaderia, on Instagram. You may find yourself spending obscene amounts of time staring at their delicious creations, wishing you lived in Brooklyn. 

14. The Perfect Fan

If this perfect piece of avocado toast doesn't make you happy, I don't know what will. Check out Bettina's Instagram entirely devoted to avocado art, @avodaily, if this one picture isn't enough. 

15. The Only All-Green Lunch I Wouldn’t Mind Eating

Every green is groomed to perfection to make this the most aesthetically-pleasing lunch I think I've ever seen. Who needs meat when you have avocado roses?

16. This Insane Carving Job

This artist found himself insta-famous when his carved avocado art went viral. Now it's just a waiting game to see what design he comes up with next. 

Avocado art may be a little annoying, invading your Instagram feed when avocados are too expensive for your broke college student self to buy.

Nevertheless, I'm going to enjoy this trend while it lasts. If you want to try it out for yourself, grab a sharp knife and a ripe avocado and check out this article.

It's just too pretty not to.