
A Smoothie for Every Mood No Matter How You're Feeling

Smoothies are one of the best ways to treat your self while not overindulging in unhealthy sweets. Packed with energy, fruits, veggies, fiber, and lots of needed nutrients, it's the necessary pick-me-up for any kind of day. Plus for all you basic b*tches out there, you can get that smoothie bowl insta pic in at the same time. Here are the best go-to smoothies for every mood swing.

When You're Craving Something Sweet: 

A blend of peach, apple, or banana, with creamy peanut butter or yogurt bases, topped with organic granola, honey and cinnamon is the delicious option for you. These decadent smoothie bowls will resemble your mother’s famous Thanksgiving peach cobbler or apple pie dish that won’t count as a cheat day!

When You're Feeling Nostalgic:

Your elementary school favorite is back but this time it’s better than ever packed with vitamins, nutrients, fruit, peanut butter, yogurt and topped with granola, jelly and peanut butter to give the old-time classic a modern twist. PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!

When You're Feeling Zen: 

Bring balance to your life through an acai and fruit combo bowl. A powerful blend of mango, pineapple, banana, and green tea is topped with organic granola and honey, and you can add a few more toppings to your liking to balance the healthy with the fun. Namaste... my homies. 

When You're Feeling Like You Need a Vacation: 

Try a tropical-inspired smoothie bowl full of mangos, pineapples, pure guava, and frozen yogurt which will make you feel like you're back at the beach with the sunshine. Top it with organic granola and honey for a delicious workweek break. Mexico? Hawaii? Cali? You name it. 

When You're Feeling Spicy:

Imagine a smoothie bowl blended with cayenne pepper packed with a punch— nutrients, vitamins, and flavor. Top with your favorite toppings (granola and honey recommended) for a perfect mood-booster. Spice up your day the best way. 

When You're Feeling Hungover:

A smoothie that delivers on its message. Soothing flavors of citrus, vitamin supplements, hangover supplements and other nutrients are combined in a blended smoothie to provide a cure for when your late-night antics catch up to you just in time for lunch with grandma or your 9 a.m. meeting. Much better alternative to lame Pedialyte.

When You're Feeling Sick:

Quoting that Maroon 5 song all day long? No one likes the sniffles but if having them gives you an excuse to drink a delicious smoothie full of honey, citrus and cold fighting supplements, then at least there’s a silver lining.

When You're Feeling Tired/Stressed:

Adulting can be tiring, but with this caffeinated-pick-me-up, full of chocolate and coffee, you'll be ready to bounce from the office to home before you crash after streaming Netflix for a few hours. No need to feel depresso. 

For more smoothie bowls and to find a location near you visit: