
8 Instagram Accounts Every Foodie in Atlanta Needs to Follow

A major pro of going to school in Atlanta is the food scene.  A metropolitan city of eeeats, from old favorites to constantly multiplying new gems, it's easy to get overwhelmed and resort to the same go-to's.  These Atlanta 8 food Instagram accounts will inspire you to change that, making scrolling through your feed a productive and mouthwatering activity.

1. @Hungrygirlsdoitbetter    

"Hungry girls do it better" is right.  Trying everything from barbecue to baked goods, this account with 33K followers offers up a wide range of restaurant types, having something for every palette.  Epitomizing the variety that makes up the Atlanta food scene, this is a must follow and perfect guide for when you're not sure what exactly it is you're craving.   

2. @Atladventurer

3. Atl_bucketlist 

Featuring up close and personal, drool worthy pictures of Atlanta's best, this account is sure to not disappoint.  It has 88K followers, and for good reason.  The quality pictures of food to try and places to go from not only Atlanta but all over Georgia are accompanied by in depth descriptions, clueing you in on what exactly to get to replicate their masterful order

4. @Bestfoodatlanta

Reposting the best of the best, this account is great because its photos are not all original.  This creates a satisfying mixture of pictures, from accounts and chefs less well known to popular pictures you may see plastered elsewhere.  By not going to every restaurant themselves, picture turn-around and posting is a lot faster as well as geographically spread out.   

5. @Foodistagirl

High quality pictures, all from an iPhone 6, this foodie photographer and Daily Meal editor knows what she's doing.  Regularly featured on the aforementioned account and mastering the art of taco pictures, this account is sure to make you drool.   


While this account has incredibly high quality pictures, the real draw are the videos.  Drawing on the popularity of food prep videos (re: Tasty, Insiderfood), this media company brings it to a local level, showing behind the scenes work of Atlanta favorites. 


Rolled ice cream is an Instagram favorite, because as delicious as it is aesthetically pleasing.  An east coast favorite, Ice-NY is the best thing to happen to the ATL rolled ice cream scene.  Uploading elaborate and themed creations, having a healthy dose of this on your newsfeed is a must.   


A little bit of nepotism, but spoon emory features all the hot spots within reach of campus.  With a wide range of food categories, national/abroad eats, homemade creations, and what to get at the several dining options on Emory's campus, if you're an Emory student this account is a crucial follow. 

With this list, finding a new restaurant to try will be a fun activity and scrolling through endless pictures of food isn't such a bad way to spend an afternoon (or day) anyways.