
7 Halloween Cocktails That'll Get You as High as Candy

I'll admit, I'm a huge sweet tooth. Give me one of these and I can guarantee you I'll chug it down in less than 5 minutes. So in the spirit of probably the highest cavity-inducing holiday of the year, here are 7 Halloween cocktails that will get you buzzing.

Candy Corn Cocktail

Now this is a cocktail for candy lovers. What's better than turning your favorite Halloween candy into an alcoholic beverage? Also would highly recommend checking out the other cocktails like Black Magic. Why? Each cocktail only needs 4 or fewer ingredients– score.

Harry Potter Butterbeer

Calling all Potterheads, your chance to make your own butterbeer is here. I'm a massive fan of the franchise (still waiting for that acceptance letter), and there was no way that I couldn't include this drink. This recipe is non-alcoholic (for all you DDs out there) but here's an alcoholic version for those who are ready to destress.

Rigor Mortis

Time to get riggity riggity wrecked. While the name of this cocktail may allude to the infamous Rick and Morty, I can assure you that this drink will also blow your mind. The other DIY cocktails are also great to do if you're planning to host a party (my favorite is the Pina Ghoul-ada).

Bride of Frankenstein

I remember reading Frankenstein during my first year at university– bitter memories call for sweet drinks. While Frankenstein's monster may have taken the spotlight in the book, this drink by Pineapple and Coconut is a shoutout for all my homegirls out there. Pour yourself a glass of this blackberry and champagne cocktail to make you feel ever so slightly fancy.

Glow-in-the-dark Infected Brain

For all the sci-fi and dystopia fans, this Boulder Locavore drink was made for you. Not only will you get to experience what it would be like to drink like a zombie, but it glows in the dark too. Highly recommend going all out and serving it in beakers– bring out the mad scientist in you.

Mr. Hyde Potion

Personally, I'm also a big admirer of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. So, obviously, I could not let this cocktail slip away. While I don't encourage fully unleashing your own inner Mr. Hyde, it will definitely make for an eventful night.

Blood Orange Punch

Feeling something a little old school? Why not make yourself this 5-minute punch before heading off into the night. It's a great way to start off your Halloweekend night on a light note. It's also a great way to feel like a vampire.

Aren't a sweet tooth? Check out this article about 7 low-calorie cocktails to save yourself from having a beer belly this Halloween. The possibilities are endless with cocktails, so go ahead and mix things up yourself. 

Disclaimer: Please remember to drink responsibly and ensure that you can handle yourself if you do choose to drink. Additionally, drinking and driving is extremely dangerous and against the law (you can always make virgin cocktails from these recipes).