
7 Essential Snacks for Scholarship Writing

It’s time to start applying for scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year, and that means hours and hours hunched over the keyboard. When I was younger my grandparents told me college is the time to be “broke and happy.” I’ll take the second sans the first if I can, so I’m writing essay after essay, filling out application after application, requesting recommendation after recommendation in order to pay for school with other people’s money. There are millions of dollars up for grabs across the country and around the world.

While I was at my computer for hours, typing out my career goals 20 times, I found myself wanting to shovel handfuls of anything into my mouth. When I reached for the staples- popcorn, fruit, chips, etc. my keyboard always ended up sticky from juice or slick from grease. As I head into February (where most scholarship deadlines fall) I’ve dramatically changed my go-to computer snacks to be healthier, more convenient, and less messy. To save you from my initial mistakes I’ve compiled a list of these tried-and-true healthy foods aka 'scholarship snacks' that will keep you feeling good and your computer grime-free.

1. Carrots and Hummus

A favorite of people trying to convince themselves they are healthy. You can even upgrade your hummus so it can truly pack the punch and help you keep on writing. 

2. Dry Cheerios

By the handful. Period. And you're saving the world too

3. Apples

Eat these whole instead of pre-cutting them to avoid juicy fingers. 

4. Unsalted nuts

Protein bro!   

5. Fresh or Steamed Broccoli

Don’t over steam or your trees will turn to mush. Yuck.  

6. Graham Crackers and Peanut Butter

You still get to enjoy your favorite nut butter without the sticky mess.


7. Salad Rolls

These may take a lot of prep work, but you’ll thank yourself when you’re 800 into a 1,000-word essay.

Staying fueled with delicious food while applying for your scholarships is vital. Use these easy, clean snacks to help you produce thousand-dollar essays!