It's 9:30pm and the dining hall is closed. You're in the middle of studying and there's nothing to eat. What do you do? You turn on your hot pot – sometimes called an electric kettle. Seriously, this thing is magical. Read on to figure out why.

1. It's Cheap

You can buy a pretty good hot pot from Bed Bath & Beyond for $14.99 – buy two and the shipping is free (go in on it with your roommate)! Plus it's also sold at Walmart for $18. A Hot Pot is faster than a microwave and safer than a stovetop kettle, and it features both warm and boil settings. Believe me, you need one.

2. You're Bound to Get Sick 

tea, coffee, espresso, milk
Julie Lau

It's college, and you're going to feel under the weather often, so drink tea. A hot pot boils water faster than the kettle you have at home and time is a virtue when your essay won't write itself. Even if you swear by coffee, tea should be your best friend in college and you can make it asap in a hot pot.

3. You Don't Have Time for Breakfast in the Morning

Nicole Witte

Are you a breakfast person but simultaneously not a morning person? Jump out of bed and make oatmeal in your hotpot – scratch the trip to the local coffee shop or dining hall. You can even make poached or hard-boiled eggs in your hot pot (boujee af). 

For hard boiled, place the eggs in the kettle and fill it up with water to above the eggs. You’ll need about 13 minutes in total, so keep turning it on if it shuts off automatically. Wait till the eggs boil and remove them by draining the water. 

4. You love pasta. 

There is nothing like a warm bowl of pasta, and no one can make it quite how you like it while at college, right? Cue the hotpot. Also applicable to ramen and mac and cheese. Have leftover noodles? Make literal pasta salad the next day. 

5. It's Cold, and You Want Hot Chocolate

coffee, milk, cappuccino, cream, chocolate, espresso, hot chocolate, mocha, sweet
Alex Kaneshiro

Many dorms don't allow personal microwaves or they have communal ones that just aren't that sanitary. If this is the case, brew some hot coco in your hot pot! Perfect for when winter rolls around.

#SpoonTip: Make Nutella Hot Chocolate.

6. You're Still Cold and Need Soup

Phoebe Baker

Pick up a favorite flavor of soup on your way home from class and pop it into your hot pot. P.S. – add some spices to your canned soup to spruce it up a bit.

So, have you ordered your hot pot or electric kettle yet? Get ready for some quick and yummy 5(ish)-star dorm breakfasts and hot tea 24/7 – all without leaving your dorm room. Happy eating!