
5 Things You Didn't Know The Davis Food Co-op Has

Many students might look at the Davis Food Co-op as just another grocery store in downtown Davis, but does your local Target or Safeway have an instant nut butter maker or a whole shelf dedicated to CBD oils? The Davis Food Co-op has a gamut of hidden gems that most students, and locals, may not even know about. Here are a select few that stand out.

Hot Food Bar

If you don't feel like waiting for your usual take out at a restaurant or want something hot, head over to the co-op! There's a variety of options for vegetarians that range from lasagna, pasta, sweet potato salads and bean dishes. In fact, Davis Food Co-op was voted the best vegetarian food in town by The Davis Enterprise eight years in a row! At the moment, there is not a menu for what the hot food bar will have, but the options are always quite delicious. 

Instant Nut Butter Maker

This machine by the bulk nuts makes instant peanut butter with different varieties: regular, chocolate and other nut alternatives. What's nice about this is you can bring your own containers, like glass jars or Tupperware, and fill up your nut butter in bulk! If you forget yours, do not fret; the co-op has reusable plastic tupperware provided. All you have to do is pick the variety you like, fill up, and pay at the register!

Bulk Nuts, Fruits, and Legumes

If you're looking to buy cashews, almonds or even dried mangoes in bulk, you're in luck; the co-op features three whole aisles dedicated to bulk foods with nuts, dried fruits, legumes, beans and even varieties of premade trail mixes. Simply fill up with one of the plastic baggies provided, mark what bin it is in, and proceed to the register.

An Entire Shelf Dedicated to CBD Oil

CBD or cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive portion of cannabis that's known to relieve anxiety, is becoming popular in the wellness world as well as the nutrition world. You can apply the oil topically or infuse your meals with it. Instead of browsing online and blindly guessing what type of product is right for you, hit up the co-op and ask a representative to tell you about the CBD that they house in store. They can guide you in the right direction if you're a CBD newbie and direct you towards what products may be a good starting point.

The Teaching Kitchen

The co-op is not just a one stop shop for groceries; they also hold cooking classes/demos in their very own teaching kitchen which is only steps away from the grocer! You can learn how to make certain dishes, hone your basic cooking skills, and be able to eat the dishes that are prepared in class. What's nice is that the demos cater to vegetarian needs and other dietary needs upon request. Sign up on the events calendar and get ready to learn!

While many grocery stores have food available to purchase, it is quite clear that the co-op takes great pride in preparing their food, sourcing locally and making sure they provide the best experience possible in terms of wellness in their store. The staff also takes great pride in making sure every customer finds what they need and makes sure their co-op experience is one to remember.