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5 Things to Do to Prepare for Marathon Monday

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at BC chapter.

The day every Bostonian awaits is finally creeping up on us. The day that no one who lives outside Massachusetts will ever understand. The day Comm Ave, the busiest and most well-known street in the city, does not see a single T go by. The day that the people of Boston wait all year for—Patriot’s Day (or to the locals, Marathon Monday).

If you’re a college student in Boston, this day is one that they even bring up on your first tour of the school. Freshman hear stories from upperclassman and anxiously await the arrival of their first Marathon Monday so they can see for themselves what the hype is about. At BC, it seems to be a day that no one exactly remembers so-to-speak, but no one will ever forget. It is THE biggest day of the year for us BC students since we are Mile 21 (the BEST mile). With April 16th less than 2 weeks away, here are my tips for how to prepare for Marathon Monday because trust me, you’ll need all the training you can get. 

2 Weeks Before

1. Training begins 

marathon monday coffee tea
Nicole Laszlo

Crunch time is finally here. If you’re someone who lives on campus, you know that the walk to off-campus where all the action is can be a rough one so early in the morning. Not to mention the athleticism required for crossing Comm Ave to get over there. Hit the Plex two weeks before and hop on the treadmill to train for your long walk. Throw in some speed intervals to ensure that you don’t get left behind by your group. Agility is key in jumping over the fences to get back to campus at the end of the day, so this speed training is definitely necessary so you can keep up with the runners.

The Night Before 

2. Hydration 

eco-friendly milk yogurt
Kristine Mahan

You’re about to endure a long day of “exercise” and sweat… so make sure to load up on Gatorades and drink tons of water to get your body ready for the long day ahead. The electrolytes in the gatorade will help restore the nutrients lost and refuel your body. Chug water right before bed to make sure you’re hydrated, refreshed, and ready to go in the morning.

3. Pack your fanny pack 

This is key to keeping your blood sugar and energy up during the day. You’ll inevitabley hit a wall at some point, so throw some candy, Goldfish, or a protein bar into your fanny pack and have it ready to go so you don’t have to worry about it in the morning. Trust me, your hangry self will thank you when you don’t have to wait in the awful line at El Pelon. 

The Morning Of 

4. Carb Loading

pantry staples syrup blueberry
Alex Frank

A 5:30 a.m. wake up time calls for mountains and mountains of carbs. At this point, skip the coffee and go straight for the protein. I would recommend at least 5 pancakes, a bacon egg and cheese, and maybe even some potatoes. This will really get your body ready for the big day and give you the energy you need. The fuller the better for Marathon Monday. 

5. Fill Up 

The last thing you have to make sure you do before leaving for the race is to fill up your water bottle. I won’t tell you exactly what to put in there, but make sure you do it. You’ve got to make sure to stay “hydrated” ALL. DAY. LONG. No ifs, ands, or buts. Get yourself a nice big plastic one, preferably one you’re okay with losing, and fill it to the brim. Stick that bad boy in your back pocket and stretch your quads out one more time and you’re good to go. 

On your mark, get set, go! With these five tips, you’ll be more than prepared for the big day ahead. Your friends will be jealous that you persevered and endured the long day of “spectating”,  all thanks to weeks of training. Now, remember, don’t get caught crossing Comm Ave illegally, and always, ALWAYS, have a full “water” bottle with you.