
How to Turn Pop-Tarts Into Cake Pops

Pop-Tarts are one of my favorite childhood snacks. That's why I was super excited to learn that a Pop-Tarts pop-up store is coming to NYC February 21st-26th. It will feature a crazy menu that includes cheesecakes, milkshakes, chili fries, burritos, and pizza...all made from Pop-Tarts. Literally my heaven. We developed a recipe on how to make Pop-Tart cake pops that will be featured at the store. Here's how to make it. 

Where to Start

To make a DIY Pop-Tart cake pop, you'll need eight Pop-Tarts. So that's one box. Try not to eat them before you start making the cake pops. Pick your favorite flavor to use—I'm going with classic strawberry. But the limited edition vanilla latte and chocolate mocha Dunkin' Donuts Pop-Tart flavors might work even better. flavors are. You'll also need six ounces of cream cheese, a bag of chocolate chip, and skewers.

Start by crushing up the Pop-Tarts with your hands. Literally crush it with your fists and let out some energy. While you're doing this, melt the chocolate chips in the microwave. I recommend adding some coconut oil in it to make it smooth and creamy.

Get Messy

Combine the crushed Pop-Tarts and the cream cheese into one bowl. Use your hands to mix it altogether and create balls. Roll around the sticky mixture in your hands (it's going to get messy), and poke a skewer through the ball. can take a bite if you can't resist. But there's one more step you gotta do.

Dunk the Pop-Tart balls into the melted chocolate and set aside on parchment paper. Don't eat it yet! Stick it in the refrigerator or in the freezer for 15-20 minutes to harden the chocolate. Now you can wholeheartedly dig in. 

Although the Pop-Tarts pop-up store (what a word jumble), is only open for a few days in February, you can now enjoy this recipe (that will be featured in the store) year-round. Play around with different flavors of Pop-Tarts, or even pour some sprinkles over the finished cake-pop. Get creative and have fun, because that's what Pop-Tarts is all about. Oh, and save some for your friends. 

This article was sponsored by Pop-Tarts.