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How To Run Your Own Foodstagram

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at SCU chapter.

Have you ever had a feeling, after scrolling endlessly through various foodstagram accounts, of wanting to publicize your own favorite dishes and food adventures? Or being the first to post food you know will be the next best seller? Here’s an inside scoop from Instagram’s top foodies, on how to run your own foodstagram. 

1. Be Active

Tim is the foodie behind the account, @bayarea.foodies. Like any other Instagram account, the most important step in hopes of running a famous account is to be “active”.  Being active means to post content that is new and current on a regular basis.

Kristen from @blondeswhoeat shares that “there are algorithms and analytics that affect how your page runs”. Thus, you should stick to a routine or schedule when posting your pictures – most foodstagramers post on daily basis and some even post twice a day. 

2. Have Your Own Style

“No one wants to follow someone who is just an exact duplicate of another person.” It is ideal to keep your photos and captions as authentic as possible to ensure that your readers are viewing posts from a genuine user – 21-year-old university student, Christy Lam shares this bold advice.

You can really tell how unique Christy’s taste is with the curated photos that make up the stunning profile on @the_lazyfoodie. Another tip she suggests is to “keep your photos natural, in which she insists on holding back on using heavy filters and intensifying the colors with either over-saturating or over-exposing the image. It is definitely OK to enhance the colors but keep in mind that tampering too much with the food’s natural colors could make it look fake. 

3. Network With Other Food Bloggers

Leslie, the owner of the account @taipeifoodie, highlights the perks of networking with other food bloggers. Whether you network with foodies on Instagram or foodies on blogging websites, making the connection can help you gain more exposure.

Leslie recommends collaborating with other foodies on all sorts of social media platforms as well as meeting up with them. These connections can lead to lasting relationships while helping you gain a better understanding of ways to develop your account.

Regardless of your initial purpose of starting a foodstagram, or a food blog for Leslie’s case, connecting with foodies who have much experience in documenting meals and restaurants will help your account grow. 

These foodies are masters of compiling mouth-watering and foodgasmic photos. A good start to launching your account would be to check them out on Instagram. Good luck!