
Finals Week Tips to Have a Healthy Finals Week

At Ohio University, and I assume several others, finals week is coming up soon and we need to be prepared. My first finals week was a mess and I wish I'd had some finals week tips so I didn't freak out, and I would have been more prepared. There are so many things that go on during this one week and I'm stressed just thinking about it. But our health during this crazy week is important. 

Here's a few finals week tips on how to prepare so you can have the best finals week.


With crazy schedules and the number of hours you will spend studying, you're going to need some good study snacks.

But you don't want to annoy everyone in the library with noisy snacks, so check out these quiet library snacks.

The best thing to do before finals week is to prep all your snacks. This way you wont be mindlessly eating junk food all the time. So throw some carrots in a baggy but don't forget to allow yourself to have a healthy amount of your favorite snack.


Okay, so not all of us have kept up with daily or weekly exercise goals this semester. But this is important to stay sane during your studying. Adults are recommended to have 150 minutes of exercise per week. I know what you're thinking: "That is way too much time that I need to be studying." Well, it's only about 21 minutes per a day for 7 days. Just get up, walk away from your notes, and walk about the building or outside for a few minutes. 


Have you ever been studying or working on a paper for so long that when you finally lay down to go to sleep you can feel your whole body relax? That's my favorite part about a study session. We all have so many exams, papers and projects to get done but sleep is so important to stay alert and remember all this information from the past 16 weeks. College aged people are recommended to have 7-9 hours of sleep every night. And that is still so important during this crazy finals week.


It's important to case out the best study spot before finals week starts. Hopefully you have found your favorite spot by this time in the semester but those best places get overcrowded during finals week. So consider some hidden secrets around your campus.

It's also important not to wear yourself out by studying. You need to manage your time so you're not cramming in the last few hours. But you also need to take some breaks to give your brain a rest. 

Consider these finals week tips so you can finish strong, pass those classes, and stay healthy.