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Dorm Room Food Hacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Millersville chapter.

If you’re a college student and live in a dorm, then you understand the hassle of going to the dining halls to eat. Sometimes you are sick of the food, there are too many people, you don’t have enough meals on your meal plan, you have no one to go with, or you just don’t want to go. Most likely in your dorm you have your own little makeshift kitchen that usually consist of a mini fridge, a coffee pot and a microwave. That microwave is going to be your saving grace after reading these handy little recipes. For those nights you can’t be bothered to leave your dorm, here are 8 recipes that take only minutes to do, leave your bank account smiling, and taste so good. After this, I promise your night in will be more than just ramen and microwaveable Mac cheese (although they are good).

Mini Cheesecake

For that late-night sweet tooth.

● Cream cheese tub use 4 oz

● 1 tablespoon butter

● 2 gram crackers

● 1 small sugar packet

● 1 tablespoon Vanilla 

Melt butter in small bowl. Smash graham crackers and mix with butter. Flatten with spoon in the bottom of the mug. Mix together vanilla, sugar packet, and cream cheese. Put on top of graham cracker mix. Microwave 4 mins; 45 seconds at a time. Cut out of bowl, enjoy with any toppings.

2. Pork Roll Egg and Cheese

For a quick and delicious jump-start to your morning

Katherine Martel

● Pork roll cut up

● 1 egg scrambled

● Slices of American cheese (some ripped up, others whole)

● Salt and pepper to taste

Whip eggs, add little salt little pepper,then add a slice of American cheese and pork roll on top. Cover. Microwave 2 minutes 20 seconds. Serve with toast and any desired toppings!

3. Bacon

Because who doesn’t like bacon?

Katherine Martel

● 1 pound bacon

Lay pieces of bacon on plate, cover with paper towel, cook for 4 minutes, and enjoy crispy bacon!

4. Parfait

For a light snack when you’re over the dining hall. 

Dorm-Room-Food-Hacks yogurt
Hannah Oh

● Vanilla Yogurt (or your flavor of choose)

● Granola

● fruit of choice

Mix all ingredients together, let sit in fridge overnight or for a few hours to chill. Enjoy when ready.

5. Pasta 

Home is where the pasta is. 

Dorm-Room-Food-Hacks pasta
Emma Briskin

● 1 cup to 2 cups of water

● Elbow pasta or your choice.

● ¼ cup butter

● ½ cup cheese

● Salt and pepper

Poor water into cup or bowl. Put pasta of choice in water. Microwave for 10 mins. Strain and add salt, pepper, butter and cheese!

6. Grilled Cheese

The classic essential to every broke student. 

How to cook during quarantine bread toast
Christin Urso

● Bread slices (2)

● Butter

● Cheese Slices of your choice

Butter each slice of bread. Place desired slices of cheese in middle of both slices. Cook in microwave for 2 minutes. Enjoy

7. Nachos

I mean, who doesn’t like nachos?

Dorm-Room-Food-Hacks vegetable nachos
Jennifer Baik

● Tortilla Chips

● Shredded Cheddar cheese

● Salsa

Put tortilla chips on a plate. Cover with a handful of shredded cheddar cheese. Spread a spoonful or more of the salsa around the plate. Cook in Microwave for 3 minutes and 30 seconds or until cheese is melted. Add additional toppings if desired.

8. Cookie in a Mug

Everyone needs dessert

Last-minute dessert milk cream
Emma Weir

● 2 tablespoons melted butter

● 1 tablespoon white sugar

● 1 tablespoon brown sugar

● ¼ teaspoon vanilla

● ¼ cup flour

● Pinch of salt

● ¼ teaspoon baking powder

● Chocolate chips

Mix melted butter, sugars and vanilla together in microwave safe mug. Add flour, baking powder and salt, mix. Stir in chocolate chips until just combined. Microwave until cookie texture, about 1 minute.

Katherine Martel

Millersville '19

I am a Business Administration major with a concentration in Management and Marketing. My goal after graduation is to head of to culinary school focusing in Pastries and one day i hope to open up my own bakery. Coming from a big Italian family, Food and cooking have been apart of my life since i could remember. My grandma and mom have taught me to cook and bake and i want to follow through with that lesson learned and make it something extraordinary.