The açaí bowl has become a super trendy dish within the last year or so. They’re jam-packed with incredible health benefits, they’re almost always topped with an assortment of goodies, and they’re really beautiful to look at — at least from a foodie’s perspective.
The only downfall of these beautiful bowls is they’re often pricey, which doesn’t go well with a college student’s budget. I decided I love açaí bowls so much that I needed to figure out how to make one on my own to avoid spending $9 or more every week at my local smoothie shop, as delicious as it is. I’m now passing the fruits of my labors onto you.

Aa Smoothie Bowl
Using any kind of blender (I use a Magic Bullet), blend together the açaà packs, almond milk, and banana until smooth. Place the blender container in the freezer for now.
Wash your blueberries and strawberries, then cut the strawberries up any way you like. Sometimes I cut them into quarters, and sometimes I cut them into coins.
Pour the smoothie mixture into a bowl and add the toppings (blueberries, strawberries, remainder of granola, seed mixture, and nut butter) to the bowl. Before digging in, I always like to place my bowl in the freezer for 5-10 minutes for the best smoothie texture.
Take a photo of that beautiful bowl you created, stir it up, and happily stuff your face knowing that everything you’re eating is SO GOOD for you.
Always support your local shops, but support your wallet sometimes too — maybe more than sometimes, but I’ll leave that up to you.