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5 Spring Vegetables and Delicious Recipes to Make With Them.

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Skidmore chapter.

After a long winter, spring is finally approaching and it is time to welcome a fresh new bunch of seasonal vegetables. While most produce is available all year long due to global harvesting, buying seasonal food ensures the produce is fresher and possibly even local!

Spring pea french beans
Maya Ling

If you’re curious to know some foods that are in season for spring and how you may use them to make delicious food, keep reading!

1) Asparagus

Low in calories and sodium, it is a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and zinc! From fries to mac and cheese, asparagus is super versatile! For 11 unique asparagus recipes check this out! 

2) Artichokes

Don’t shy away from artichokes because they should definitely be on your plate this spring. They’re easy to fall in love with, filled with lots of fiber, potassium, and calcium go ahead and experiment with them in a variety of dishes or simply steamed is delicious too! 

3) Fava Beans

Fava Beans, or broad beans as some people know them, are nutrient dense and a great source of protein, (10grams per 1/4 cup serving) while being low in fat. From pesto to salad this legume tastes great! Also have a look at this pasta recipe which looks simply delicious.

4) Radishes

Packed full of vitamin C, radishes are a great anti-inflammatory food! While you’ve probably crunched on them raw on a crudité platter consider cooking them for a change. And don’t forget, if you buy them with their greens attached those are edible too!

5) Peas

Frozen peas are constantly available and honestly delicious but spring is finally the time to buy freshly harvested peas. Go ahead and give these delicious gems a taste while filling up on vitamins K, B1, and C

For more inspirational recipes to make this coming spring check out these!

Maya Ling

Skidmore '20

Maya Ling is a sophomore at Skidmore College fueled by greek yogurt, mixed nuts, and ice-cream.