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Why Joining Spoon Auburn Will Be The Best Decision You Make All Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Auburn chapter.

Joining Spoon Auburn has given me a fun community of people that love and appreciate food as much as I do. If you relate to any of these points APPLY APPLY APPLY! We would love to have you.

If You’re A College Student That Loves Eating and Drinking

Auburn salad pasta
Hannah Hazy

I personally think this is the best reason to join Spoon University at Auburn. Everything Spoon does is food related and geared towards college students. You’re constantly in the know about food in Auburn and will often be the first to find out about that cool, new Mexican place opening downtown. 

What we have to say:

“I just joined Spoon, but to be honest this group chat and the constant pictures being sent is already a highlight.” –Katie Stotts

“I joined because I love food.” –Madison Temple

“I always have the inside scoop on food drama now.” –Devin Surber

“It’s a great way to learn about cool new hot spots around town.” –Ali Bucher 

If You Are Looking For Experience

Auburn tea coffee
Katherine Baumstark

Spoon University is a great way to get experience in a field you may want to pursue in your future. Before joining Spoon, I was constantly asked by possible employers if I was a published writer, or had any writing samples. When I answered no, they told me sorry, but they were looking for someone with more experience. Spoon gave me the ability to not only enhance my writing skills, but to become a published writer, which is a great thing to add to my resume for my field of choice. This is also the case with every other aspect of Spoon such as photography, event planning, social media managing, and marketing. Spoon University is based out of New York City and loves to provide internships to those that show a true passion in their Spoon chapter.

What we have to say:

“It’s a great way to build your portfolio.” –Ali Bucher

“It’s a great thing to add to a resume. It helps us gain experience.” –Madison Temple

“I joined Spoon Auburn because I’ll gain more experience with marketing and working with a larger organization.” –Cassidy Bauman 

If You’re Looking To Get Involved On Campus

Spoon Auburn has officially become a RSO (Recognized Student Organization)! This makes it very easy to get involved on campus. Every member of Spoon is an Auburn student, so meetings are held on campus, making them super accessible. Because we are all students, we understand that schoolwork comes first. This laid back attitude makes being a part of Spoon easy-going and fun. 

What we have to say:

“Being involved on campus helps you get to know people and do something you enjoy in your spare time.” –Jennah Sellers

“Becoming recognized as a RSO has allowed us to have many more fun events on campus and do more for the Auburn student body.” –Ali Bucher 

If You Want To Meet A Cool Group Of People

Auburn tea pizza
Megan McKinstry

Spoon unites all of its members under the same common goal: Sharing our love of food with others. Everyone involved with Spoon Auburn is different and brings something new to the table. Interacting with different types of people helps you to be more creative and think and do things you wouldn’t normally do. We make our weekly meetings fun and always bring snacks.

What we have to say:

“It’s a great way to make friends who also love food.” –Devin Surber

“Joining Spoon Auburn became a great way to get creative with others and try new things.” –Amanda Burak

“Spoon connected me with a cool group of people and tons of new food Instagrams to follow.” –Megan McKinstry

If You Are Interested In Writing

Megan McKinstry

Like I mentioned, this was my primary reason to join Spoon. I am very passionate about writing and wanted to improve my skills for my future profession. Writing about topics you love and choose yourself makes it fun.

What we have to say:

“When I first started writing for Spoon I was trying to eat healthier, so I was really into finding new recipes. Writing for Spoon made dieting fun for me and made me appreciate how food can bring people together.” –Emily Cashdan

“I love being an editor for Spoon here at Auburn because I get to see a sneak peek of all the articles before they’re published. It’s fun to be a part of the behind the scenes of all those articles you see getting shared on Facebook.” –Delaney Burst

If You Are Interested In Photography

Auburn egg avocado
Katherine Baumstark

A large part of Spoon is photography. We take pictures for each article as well as for social media. If you are interested in photography, joining Spoon is a great way to build your portfolio.

What we have to say:

“I love when writers ask me to take specific pictures for their articles. It makes me go to new places and try new things that I may not have done before.” –Kat Baumstark

“Being a photographer for Spoon has helped me learn new photography skills and put them to good use.” –Kaelen Gallagher

If You Are Interested In Event Planning and Marketing

Hannah Hazy

This part of Spoon is how we become successful. The events we host, such as benefit nights at fun restaurants, allow us to show Auburn students who we are and what we do. It provides real life experience for students who want to do this in their future.

What we have to say:

“Becoming part of spoon Auburn has really put me in touch with my creativity. As the marketing director, I come up with fun events to bring the Auburn community together as well as help to recruit others into our chapter. Through this experience I have been able to learn a lot about myself, as well as others. I enjoy being part of an organization that brings people together for the common love of food and community. I have met so many amazing people that I would have never met if it were not for Spoon, and for that I am so grateful.” –Ali Bucher

If You Are Interested In Social Media

Auburn bread
Megan McKinstry

Social media is a huge part of Spoon Auburn. Our Instagram posts draw people in and our Twitter helps us reach our audience. We all also use Facebook to share every article that we publish. Being able to track page views and the number of shares we receive really proves the impact of social media to our chapter.

What we have to say:

“I love running social media because I’m already an Instagram fiend and love the visual aspect of it. I’ve always followed more food accounts than real people, so to be able to run my own was a dream come true. I get a thrill out of introducing the wonderful world of Spoon to everyone I meet and having a ‘job’ where you talk about and eat food. It’s the only job for me!” –Hannah Hazy         

As you can tell, being a part of Spoon University has greatly impacted me and shown me a whole different community here at Auburn and, not to mention, someone always available to try out the newest restaurant with.

If you’re interested in applying, please visit auburn.spoonuniversity.com/apply!