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Photo by Steven Baboun
Photo by Steven Baboun

This Is How Long Your Bottle of Wine is Good For After You Open It

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Carleton chapter.

There is no question behind whether or not millennials are wine-crazy. We put other generations to shame with the mass amounts of wine we are consuming every year. We may drink a lot of it, but many of us still don’t know much about it. For example, few of us really know exactly how long a bottle of wine stays good for after you open it.

This time frame depends on the body of that wine. Wine is separated into three categories depending on several different things, in particular the alcohol content. These three categories consist of light-bodied, medium-bodied and full-bodied. All three are delicious, but vary in terms of how long they last once opened. 

Light-Bodied Wines

These wines contain under 12.5% of alcohol. The most popular forms of light-bodied wines are Champagne and Prosecco. These are great drinks to share over a celebration, but their shelf life after being opened is limited. These bottles of wine are carbonated, which gives them their bubbly consistency. They lose their carbonation quickly after being opened, making them stay good for 1-3 days before going flat. Remember to always refrigerate these bottles after opening with a sparkling wine stopper on. 

#SpoonTip: Don’t know what to do with your leftover Champagne? Try out one of these easy recipes.

Medium-Bodied Wines

These wines contain between 12.5% and 13.5% of alcohol. Commonly known medium-bodied wines include Rosé, Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc. These wines are generally good for 5-7 days after opening, as long as they are stored in the fridge with a cork on. 

The belief that Rosé wine is created by mixing red and white wine is a myth. In fact, Rosé comes from red grapes, and winemakers achieve this pink colour by restricting the time the juices have in contact with the grape skins. This pink colour can be achieved within a couple of days of contact, in comparison to other red wines in which the skins are left in the juices for weeks.

Full-Bodied Wines

Full bodied wines contain over 13.5% of alcohol. Full bodied wines are most commonly red, although Chardonnay falls under this category as well. Examples of red full-bodied wines include Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec and Merlot. After opening, these wines can be kept for 3-5 days as long as they are stored in a cool, dark place with a cork on. A general rule to remember when storing open bottles of red wine is that the sweeter the wine, the longer it will last. 

Here’s to all the wine-crazy Millenial’s, who continue to outdrink the other generations bottle after bottle. If these numbers don’t quite cut it for you, opt for boxed wine instead. Not only do you get mass amounts of vino in one, easy to carry box, but you can also keep it for upwards of 28 days before it goes bad. 

active enough to go to the gym everyday, but also lazy enough to watch Netflix for 10 hours straight