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I Tried Oat Milk So That You Don’t Have To

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FIU chapter.

I get intrigued by new food products way too fast. The second I see something I’ve never tried at the grocery store shelves, I immediately grab it and put it in the cart…life of a foodie, what can I say? Last week, as I was mindlessly scouring the refrigerated section at Target, my eyes automatically fell on a large, beautifully-designed bottle that read Oatly. Leaning closer, I found out that this was a plant-based milk, more specially, one made from oats. Oat milk? You’re going in the cart, my friend.

The Minds Behind Oatly

Of course, I had to do some research behind what appeared to be a super cool brand of oat milk. Simply by looking at the bottle, you could tell Oatly is all about plant-based eating, sustainability, and nutritious food. The top of the bottle is plastered with a “wow, no cow!” slogan, and the side has a beautifully written statement by the Swedish company on the importance they place on making sure their food product is sourced in a sustainable way that makes plant-based eating cool. I’m all for eating more plants and less animal products for our environment and health, and, of course, sustainable sourcing of foods such as oats…so just by reading that, I was hooked!

Upon doing more research, I found out this company also makes barista edition oat milks, chocolate flavored oat milk, and in Europe, they sell vegan yogurts and cheeses made from an oat milk base. These sound insane, and I’m just praying they make their way over across the pond soon!

What is Oat Milk?

Of course, you’re still wondering…ok, cool brand…but what the heck is oat milk? It’s simple: a blend of oats and water, that’s it! To make it even more delicious and nutritious, the company has added some sea salt and vitamins and minerals that the milk doesn’t have naturally, such as calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. 

I love eating oats for breakfast due to their high fiber content; oats specifically contain a type of soluble fibers called beta-glucans which have been shown to lower cholesterol when eaten consistently. Because they’re soluble and form a gel when they interact with water, they slow down digestion, keep you fuller for longer, and help with blood sugar control. Just when you thought oats couldn’t get any better!

The best part about Oatly is that they produce their oat milk in such a way that allows the beta-glucans to be kept in the drink safe and sound. Therefore, not only is Oatly oat milk a delicious, plant-based way of getting your milk on, but it provides fiber, too. I seriously can’t think of anything better to have in the mornings!

Tell Us How It Tastes Already!

The first time I tried oat milk, I immediately sensed a sweet flavor that I couldn’t quite get my hands on. Turning the bottle to check the ingredient list, I assured myself that it was unsweetened, but then I remembered…oats, naturally, do have a slightly sweetish flavor. How incredible that you can taste that when they’re blended with water! This delightful, slightly-sweet flavor is definitely the highlight of the milk; it’s tasted the second you put it in your mouth, giving you all kinds of happy tingles inside. 

Texture wise, this has to be one of the creamiest plant-based milks on the market. I’ve tried my fair share of almond milks, and while they all certainly have a smooth and velvety consistency, I’m pretty sure none compare to the creaminess of oat milk. I’m no coffee drinker, but my foodie self is telling me that this would be a great addition to a Cup of Joe in the mornings.

I’d definitely recommend oat milk to anybody, both vegans and non-vegans alike. It’s a delicious way to switch up your morning routine, and no doubt a perfect way to enjoy some beneficial soluble fibers in a completely revamped way. Best of all? This product has no added sugar, is non-GMO, is sourced using sustainable practices, and tastes like a creamy dream in a bottle. And if you’d like to make oat milk in the comfort of your own home, you’ll see here it only takes two ingredients and a dream.

Oat milk, you’re the next big thing and I’m calling it.


Dietetics and Nutrition Major || Future Registered Dietitian ♥️