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From Dorm to Apartment: What to Cook When You Finally Have a Kitchen

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PSU chapter.

One of the biggest transitions in college, besides the initial move away from home, is moving from a dorm to an apartment. This was a change that I was looking forward to since I had been living in a shoebox for two years.

This was also an opportunity to live with my four best friends!

The first thing I noticed after moving into my apartment was how big and spacious our living room is. This meant for the first time I had somewhere to hang out besides my bed or my desk.

Now, this might not seem like a drastic change, but let me tell you it is.

The second thing I noticed was the kitchen. Obviously every apartment comes with a kitchen, but I was not expecting to use it as much as I actually do. I often find myself waking up early for class so that I can make myself a balanced and healthy breakfast and thinking of different things that I can make for dinner on my way home.

After living in my apartment for about four weeks now, I have began to compile a list of recipes that are not only easy to make, but they keep me full and focused for the rest of my day. 

Here are some of my go to’s: 

1. Eggs

One of my favorite things to make in the morning is eggs. This may seem like the obvious breakfast choice, but eggs are easy and quick to make and have very little clean up. This means that even if I am running late I still usually have time to whip up a couple of protein filled eggs that will keep me going for my morning classes.

2. Avocado Toast

I love avocado toast  because I can change what I put on it depending how much time I have or how hungry I am. I usually put two pieces of whole wheat bread in the toaster and mash a whole avocado while it is toasting. I season the avocado mash with salt, lemon, and pepper and spread it on my toast. If I am a little hungrier than usual I top it off with eggs or fresh mozzarella. 

3. Overnight Oats

If I am feeling extra motivated one weeknight  I make overnight oats for the next morning. This is simple way to make sure that I am full and ready for my classes the next morning. I take a scoop of oats and place them in a mason jar with almond milk, Greek yogurt, and a little honey. In the morning I top my oats with whatever fresh fruit I have around my apartment.

4. Frozen Turkey or Salmon Burgers

At the end of the day when I am feeling a little tired, but still need to tackle some assignments, I usually make a turkey or salmon burger. Whenever I go to the grocery store I make sure to stock up on frozen burgers because not only are they easy to make, but they do not spoil quickly. I place the frozen burger in the pan with a little olive oil and season it with salt and pepper.

5. Sautéed Kale or Spinach

I usually pair the burger with either sautéed kale or spinach. Just place olive oil in the pan with fresh kale and spinach and cook it down with some lemon juice, salt, and garlic powder. Not only is this the perfect accompaniment to the burger, but it helps me to get in some leafy greens.

Living in apartment has taught me how to balance living with friends, cleaning, and of course, school work.

However, best of all it has taught me is how to cook healthy meals, not only for myself but to share with my friends too! 

brunch, sushi, and cookie dough enthusiast