Mornings are hard. I know. But sometimes mornings can't be avoided, so you have to make the best of them. Growing up swimming competitively meant 10 years of early morning practices, and the 4:30 wake ups for 5:15 practices were never fun. While these crazy mornings seemed manageable in high school, somehow staying on top of an a.m. routine became seemingly impossible in university when 8:30's were easy to avoid. Inevitably early classes or a workday wake-up become mandatory for everyone, and if you want to make the most of an early start, follow these few easy tips to make your morning routine less mental. 

1. Save a few minutes in the morning: Prep for your day the night before

Julia Schock

Time is of the essence when you're trying to prove that you can, in fact, get up at 8:28 for your 8:30 lecture. Set out an outfit to throw on, and pack your bag for class before you head to bed. This can give you a few extra sleep-minutes during the time you would usually be scrambling to get ready and out the door.  

2. Get a better night's sleep: Put your phone down before bed

Julia Schock

Getting a full night's sleep is a hard thing to do as a university student, and your iPhone/android/google phone is only making it harder to fall asleep at night. According to the Harvard Business Review the blue light technology gives off causes your body to release cortisol, making you more alert, and slowing production of melatonin, which you need to fall asleep. Plug in your phone across the room, or trade it for a book to resist the urge to check Instagram one more time in those few minutes before you catch those Z's.

3. Keep it Consistent: Wake up (AND get up) at the same time every day

Julia Schock

An unreliable schedule is something you're more than likely encounter during your university years. It may be tempting to sleep until noon on those Tuesdays when you don't have class until 1:00 p.m., but don't throw off your whole week for a few extra hours of Z's on one day. Your Circadian Rhythm, better known as a body clock, works over a 24 hour period, and getting up at the same time every day will eventually prompt your sleep-wake cycle to happen on its own. The more mornings you get up at the same time, the more your body expects to wake up, and the easier it gets to roll out of bed. As comfy as it feels to sleep in or hit snooze, in the long run the more you listen to the alarm the easier it will seem. 

4. Don't Ditch Breakfast: Meal prep Meal prep Meal prep!

Julia Schock

 It may be easier said than done, but meal prepping your breakfasts can make getting out the door a lot simpler, and most importantly will make you less likely to skip breakfast! My favourite breakfasts include easy overnight recipes like overnight oats and chia pudding

5. If You Need Coffee: Hydrate Before You Caffeinate

Julia Schock

Coffee is the only cure for my allergy to morning classes, making it my first priority before I leave the house. This also means it's often the only thing that gets into me pre-lunch. Nothing is worse than the jittery-shaky feeling you get midday when your veins are 110% caffeine. Your body dehydrates overnight while your sleep, and coffee is a diuretic, meaning it signals your kidneys to flush out your bod. While coffee itself doesn't dehydrate you, this combination does, making it extra important to down some H2O before you grab your morning dark roast. 

Getting up in the a.m. isn't an easy feat, I can admit I still have some serious room for improvement. However, making a few little changes to your morning routine can make you feel less like a night owl, and a little more like an early bird.