Photo by Rachel Piorko
Avocado toast. What is this strange creation, you ask? Simply put, it’s the best food you will have eaten in a long time (all things considered). This delicacy is composed of a spice-infused ripe avocado mashed to creamy perfection and spread beautifully atop two pieces of toasted bread. While it may not sound like much, I think you’ll be surprised at how much you grow to love this dish. Avocado toast is very filling, which makes it a great breakfast food to keep you fueled through the morning. It can also be eaten for lunch, a snack or even on nights when dinner did not satisfy you. You don’t have to feel bad about eating it because it provides many essential nutrients such as fiber, potassium, folate and up to 10 grams of protein. I would suggest eating just one avocado per day because the fruit does pack quite a bit of fat — good fat, which you need but still shouldn’t be eaten in excess.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1
2 pieces of whole grain or sprouted bread
1/2 or 1 ripe avocado (you should easily be able to leave a dent in it when pressing on the skin with your finger)
Black pepper (freshly ground if available)
Garlic powder

Photo by Rachel Piorko
1. Place two pieces of bread in toaster
2. Cut open ripe avocado lengthwise — you can use half or the whole thing. If using half, save the side with the pit, wrap in foil or plastic wrap and place in fridge.
3. When toast is done, scoop out avocado flesh and spread it on top. You can mash the avocado inside the skin with a fork before hand or you can spread it like butter on the toast with a knife. I choose the later option.
4. Sprinkle salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. The better quality spices, the better it will taste.

Photo by Rachel Piorko
Now make yourself a cup of tea and savor this delicious treat. This recipe can easily be modified and added upon. I frequently put raw baby spinach on top for an extra health kick, and you can also add items such as seeds, nuts, lemon, olive oil and more. You can also make it into a sandwich by adding hummus and vegetables like cucumbers, peppers or shredded carrots. The possibilities are endless so have fun and enjoy.