Spoon University at FIU
6 Things You Can Make With The Water Used to Boil Vegetables
Save nutrients, live better.
Spoon University at Bryant
10 Healthy Lunch Recipes That Will Make Your Co-Workers Jealous
Make ahead meals that will keep your diet and savings on track.
Spoon University at Utokyo
15 Asian Meal Prep Recipes Literally Anyone Can Make
For when you're sick of eating leftover Chinese food.
Spoon University at Queen's U
5 Easy Vegan Dinners for a Student Budget
Because adulting can be hard sometimes
15 Chinese Food Recipes That Taste Better Than Takeout
Ditch the kung pao with these easy recipes.
Spoon University at Lafayette
20 Bacon and Egg Recipes That Aren’t Just for Breakfast
This classic breakfast combo just got a makeover.
Spoon University at UDelhi
We Are Still Celebrating The Delhi Pride With These 5 Rainbow Recipes
Celebrate the fabulousness of gender equality with these rainbow recipes!