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The WLU Student’s Guide to Group Ex

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Often times, the gym can seem quite intimidating and scary, especially if you’ve never been before or are just looking to try something new. This is where the awesome program – Laurier Group Exercise at the AC (Athletic Complex) comes in!

With Laurier Group Exercise, you get to be in a motivating and exciting team environment, while also being led by an instructor who tells you exactly what to do. The great thing about the instructors is that they can offer modifications for any person, no matter if they are dealing with an injury or just want to tone down the level of the workout.

Laurier Group Exercise
Jessica Taylor

I have been going to Laurier Group Exercise since I was a first-year student, and I find that it is a great way to keep fit and healthy. The Laurier Group Exercise classes give me a sense of structure and accountability that I wasn’t able to find by just going to the gym and running on the treadmill for a few minutes a day. As well, If you are a student and consider yourself to be shy or are finding it hard to make connections in university, it is a fantastic way to meet new people! After all, you are all sweating (and somewhat suffering) through it together!

The Laurier Group Exercise classes are also a great resource to use when feeling the stress of midterms and exam season, which is swiftly approaching! Keep reading to find out what it is exactly that Laurier Group Exercise has to offer, and with luck maybe you will be inspired to hit the gym before the winter semester ends (You can check out the schedule here too)!  


Laurier Group Exercise water tea
Susanna Mostaghim

This class is described as “high-intensity cardio training on a stationary bike” and is essentially an awesome Waterloo version of the renowned SoulCycle studio in Toronto! 

Often times, it is set to top 40 music with a few middle school throwbacks added in for good measure! The playlists will always include at least one song you know off by heart, but it’s also a great way to get to know new music you may have never heard of before!

The great thing about the cyclefit class is that it’s completely modifiable! You never feel pressured or expected to go at the instructor’s pace and instead you can stick to ‘doing the best you can’.  

#SpoonTip Make sure to bring a water bottle to this class to stay hydrated between intervals. This class is great for toning your legs and abs, and since you are sweating so much it is great for weight-loss too

Flirty Fitness

This is a class great for a group of girlfriends! I find that it is an awesome stress reliever and even if you are someone with no dance background, the moves are all super easy and fun to do! The soundtrack to this class is often everyone’s favourite ‘girl power’ artists such as Beyonce, Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande! Expect lots of pony-tail flipping 😉

Cardio Kickboxing

Laurier Group Exercise
Jessica Taylor

This is one of my favourite classes to go to! I often get my roommates to come with me during the free weeks at the beginning of each term, because it is such a great workout! Often times it is structured around circuits, with certain stops along the way to work with a partner on basic moves such as jabs, and crosses. This class will be a full body workout and offers great strength training. As well, throughout the class, you may be partnered off to block each other’s hits (which is always fun if you bring a friend with you)!Cardio kickboxing has certainly become one of my top ways to de-stress in the middle of my week, after many days of papers, presentations and what feels like endless meetings!

#SpoonTip After this class, make sure to take a few extra minutes to stretch if you need it (yes, your abs will be killer, but sore after this class). 


Laurier Group Exercise
Jessica Taylor

I could go on and on about the benefits of yoga, but to save some time: it is great for just about anything and everything! Yoga is awesome for your overall mental and physical wellbeing as it helps with things we don’t often think to exercise and therefore can help with our circulation, respiration and even immune system! Each yoga class is 40-60 minutes. You do not need to be super flexible to join this class either! Many beginners, can take advantage of the yoga straps and blocks in the closet of the studio!

I hope this quick guide has given you all the information needed to join in on the next Laurier Group Exercise! Good luck on all of your upcoming exams and remember to hit the gym during this study season for those needed mindful and physical breaks. 

Jessica Taylor

Wilfrid Laurier '21

I love to travel and to explore new restaurants around the region! When I'm not at school or studying in the library, you'll probably find me at my cottage, or on my deck with my big german shepherd puppy!