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The Fastest Calorie-Burning Dance Classes, Ranked

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at West Chester chapter.

Since enrolling in my first ballet class at the age of seven to laughing with my friends as we attempt the advanced version of a Just Dance song, dance has always been an essential part of my workout routine. Sometimes, it’s the only workout routine I’m motivated enough to change into gym clothes for and head out the door.

And if college has taught me anything, it’s that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital to your sanity. Nothing relaxes the tension you build up from sitting at a desk and exerting brain power for 8 hours than a good dance class. Burn the most in no time at all with a style to suit everyone — whether it means pirouetting away or bopping to the Hot 100.

Note: All calorie counts in this article are estimated calculations for an hour-long class (caloric burn varies due to factors such as class level, height, weight and effort put forth).

 1. Zumba

Besides ballet, I’ve taken more Zumba classes than any other, and from experience, I’m here to tell you there’s a reason you’ll burn the most in the time allotted. According to Fitness Blender, there are many false claims out there saying you burn over 1000 cals an hour doing this fun exercise, and that just ain’t the truth. It’s estimated that you burn nearly 650 calories, which is still significant. 

2. Hip Hop

If you too have wondered what it’d be like to have Hip Hop skills that rival YouTube legends Matt Steffanina, Tricia Miranda, or WilldaBeast Adams, then your best bet is first taking a beginner class. If you don’t have the confidence to post your attempts on the internet in hopes of being a viral sensation, you’ll still feel victorious after burning 610 calories.

3. Swing

Travel back in time with you significant other and take weekly swing classes. Working off approximately 550 calories will make this cardio heavy partner class your new favorite workout. Plus, you’ll get to show off to your friends at your next formal.

4. Ballet

The benefits of ballet are endless: better posture, a tight core, lean legs and graceful movements that guide you through every day life. Taking a class here and there won’t give you the strength of a professional ballerina, but you will notice a difference over time as you shed nearly 450 calories per hour.

5. Tap

The average calories burned per hour tap dancing is a pretty large window at 200-700, meaning this could either be the fastest burning choice or the least, depending on skill and effort exerted. Either way, it’s a workout to bring out your inner “42nd Street” and Fred Astaire. And really, who doesn’t want that.

Your workout of choice should be something that gives you joy and has you breaking a sweat at the same time. Dance, in all its forms, does just that, making going to the gym the best part of the day.

Loves baking anything that involves berries, finding new things to put on pizza, and re-watching Gossip Girl. Probably whilst on my third cup of tea.