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I had a Cherry Tree Dessert Everyday for a Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wash U chapter.

Recently, everyday over the course of a week, I paid a trip to Cherry Tree Café, Washington University in St. Louis’s very own coffee and pastry shop nestled away in the corner of Bear’s Den. The staff were sweet and smiled at me daily as I gazed into the glass case, pondering which delicious treat to attack next. All of the Cherry Tree desserts I tried were handmade in the kitchen, and let me tell you, those chefs have a gift. Here are my thoughts on the seven desserts I tried at Cherry Tree.

Day 1: Oreo Cheesecake

Cherry Tree desserts
Nirali Somia

I have heard phenomenal things about Cherry Tree’s Oreo Cheesecake, so, naturally, I decided to start off the week with it. The staff member who helped me check out seemed only to support my preconceived opinion as, when I pointed to it in the display case, she grinned and replied, “That’s one of my favorites.” It did not disappoint (and was definitely a sweet addition to my Monday). The dessert has a classic cheesecake flavor but with Oreo crust and Oreo crumble on top. This twist makes for a nice contrast between the traditional cheesecake and hints of chocolate. It is quite a rich dessert, so it’s great if you’re looking for something to fill you up. Or, if you’re looking for something smaller, it tastes just as good (if not better) when you eat half and put the rest in the fridge for later.

Day 2: The Pumpkin Caramel Dessert Cup

I chose this Cherry Tree dessert cup for my second day because I wanted something quick and portable to eat while I walked to WashU’s main campus to do some studying. This little dessert was handed to me in a clear plastic cup, very much like the ones that are used for the fruit salad offering. However, in this cup, there were layers of pumpkin cake, caramel, and cream cheese frosting all scooped and packed in tightly. The dessert was cooled, which suited it perfectly. The ratios of pumpkin to cream cheese were just right. I got a good spoonful of both in every bite. Overall, this dessert is a perfect on-the-go afternoon snack. It makes no mess, and all you need is a spoon and an open hand.

Day 3: Strawberry Mousse

Cherry Tree desserts
Nirali Somia

On day three of staring through the glass display case at the numerous Cherry Tree desserts, a delicate little cup caught my eye. The strawberry mousse looked like something out of an Alice in Wonderland tea party. It was a light pink color and had a small dollop of whipped cream on top. While I generally prefer chocolate mousse, there’s no denying that the strawberry was quite tasty. The mousse had a smooth texture and was a bit tart.  It wasn’t too sweet and had just the right amount of flavor. This dessert is perfect for those that don’t have much of a sweet tooth (or prefer tart options) but still enjoy delving into fancy desserts.

Day 4: The Pumpkin Bar

Having enjoyed the pumpkin dessert cup so much on Tuesday, I opted for another pumpkin dessert on day four. It resembled a square bar of pumpkin pie—half of it consisted of crust and the other half was the pumpkin on top. After eating a couple bites, I had a grand idea: I could microwave it. I microwaved the bar on high for about 20 seconds, and it was definitely for the better. The pumpkin got gooey and soft, the crust became just the right texture and the cinnamon became more pronounced, which made for a delightful aftertaste. It was the ideal treat to enjoy on a cold day.

Day 5: Dirt and Worms Pudding Cup

Cherry Tree desserts
Nirali Somia

This dessert caught my eye as it reminded me of my time in elementary school, where I would often make this dessert. It was just like I remembered it. The classic chocolate pudding was filled with layers of Oreo crumble, and I uncovered the occasional hidden gummy worm. It brought me right back to fifth grade. Ah, how I love nostalgic desserts. 

Day 6: Chocolate Eclair

The eclair resembles a long donut with chocolate and a drizzle of vanilla frosting. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I bit into it, and the inside was filled with a light Boston cream-like filling. It was the perfect afternoon dessert as the dough was light enough to make the entire dessert feel like it’s not too heavy, and you don’t feel bogged down by it. I would, however, recommend letting the pastry warm up before eating it. When it comes straight from the glass case at Cherry Tree, the frosting and pastry may be a bit tough to chew. But, after a couple minutes out at room temperature, it’s just the right texture.

Day 7: Raspberry Cheesecake

Cherry Tree desserts
Nirali Somia

I ended the week with another classic cheesecake. This one caught my eye because of its aesthetically pleasing swirls of pink and white. It tasted even better than it looked. The cheesecake was topped with a small dollop of whipped cream and a single raspberry. The raspberry flavor within the cheesecake is very slight, and the Oreo crust makes for just the right amount of chocolate flavoring. The dessert is best eaten immediately after getting it because you get it slightly cooled, so the texture is wonderfully smooth. Overall, this option made for the best ending to a sweet week of Cherry Tree desserts.

After trying these seven different and delicious desserts from Cherry Tree, I’ve found that it’s impossible to pick a favorite (although the café definitely has a way with cheesecakes). Overall, I’d say that it pays off to be a little adventurous when it comes to the glass case of Cherry Tree desserts. I have my eye on that fruit tart next.

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Nirali Somia

Wash U '24