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The Dessert Everyone Will Be Asking You the Recipe For

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wake Forest chapter.

Who doesn’t love ice cream? And who doesn’t love serving a dish that is a hit at every party? This Oreo ice cream cake is guaranteed to be a success among all guests at whatever birthday celebration, gathering with friends, or New Year’s Eve party you decide to whip it up for. Why is it the perfect dessert to kick off your New Year with? Because it is exactly the treat that everyone wants, and needs, as the last splurge before beginning their diets or healthy eating plans for their New Year’s resolution. Trust me, before you know it everyone will be asking you for the recipe to this delicious dessert. You can stick in candles or sparklers before serving to make it festive for any occasion!

Oreo Ice Cream Cake

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 45 minutesTotal time: 50 minutesServings:12 servings



  1. Grace McNeill

    Be sure that you have all your ingredients prepared before beginning your cake.

  2. Grace McNeill

    Take about 8 Oreos at a time to crush into crumbs. This can be done by either using a blender, or crushed in a bowl using a meat mallet. Leave aside 5 Oreos, but crush all the rest.

  3. Grace McNeill

    Spread all of the crushed Oreos evenly in the bottom of the tray. Melt the stick of butter in the microwave, then pour the melted butter all over the crushed Oreos and pat down completely flat with a spatula. Put tray in the freezer for about 30 minutes.

  4. Grace McNeill

    After 30 minutes in the freezer, remove the tray. Cut open the sides of the ice cream container and slice the vanilla ice cream into 1-inch slivers, as shown in the picture. Layer the ice cream slices on top of the frozen Oreo crust.

  5. Grace McNeill

    Once the slices of ice cream cover an entire layer, smooth it all out using a spatula so that there are no holes in the ice cream layer.

  6. Grace McNeill

    Next, put the jar of hot fudge in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. Pour a layer of hot fudge on top of the ice cream layer.

  7. Grace McNeill

    Place scoops of Cool Whip on top of the hot fudge.

  8. Grace McNeill

    Spread the Cool Whip evenly so that it covers the whole top of the cake. This must be done quickly because the hot fudge will begin to melt the cake.

  9. Grace McNeill

    Crush the remaining 5 Oreos, and use the crumbs to garnish on top of the Cool Whip.

  10. Grace McNeill

    The cake is finished! Immediately place in freezer for at least 30 minutes, and keep there until ready to serve.

My family has been using this recipe for as long as I can remember. We make it every birthday, every holiday, and even any day for no reason, because it is just THAT good. It will satisfy any craving you have, and the best part is just how easy it is to make. You can also switch it up by using mint chocolate chip ice cream instead of vanilla to give it a whole new flavor!

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Grace McNeill

Wake Forest '22