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2018 03 20 08.13.07 1
2018 03 20 08.13.07 1

Dining Commons Dessert Hacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Valley Forge chapter.

   Believe it or not but there are ways to enhance your dessert time in your dining commons. These are few dessert hacks that I’ve found that have made my semesters that much sweeter.

Waffle Machine

Dessert Hacks waffle syrup
Meredith Ross

Who doesn’t love a waffle at any meal? This breakfast treat alone is an okay option if you need it. But it’s so versatile, it’s a shame to eat it plain.

Grey's waffle toast
Caroline LeGates

If you’ve got chicken on the menu that day, build yourself a classic chicken and waffles platter. All the fixins are already there.

   If you’ve got chicken on the menu that day, build yourself a classic chicken and waffles platter. All the fixins are already there.

Dessert Hacks egg vegetable
Phoebe Melnick

Every once in a while my dining commons will have salsa and sour cream out. Do you see where I’m going? Waffle nachos! You can add cheese from the salad bar. Ours is always changing, and sometimes there’s even beans, salsa, and guacamole. 

Dessert Hacks cream chocolate
Katie Cruz

   Okay, if you don’t want to go the savory route, you can always go sweet. I’ve done this one too many times and I have almost no shame. Make your waffle and top it with ice cream, hot fudge, and sprinkles. Sometimes I slice a banana. Ice cream sundae on a waffle. Or fold the triangles into a sandwich. It’s a little embarrassing when you eat the whole thing, but it’s so worth it.

Let’s Talk Ice Cream Machine.

   My school just recently got an ice cream machine. The whole campus loves it and we wish that we had one in every building. I’ve done my best to maximize what can be done with ice cream. There are so many dessert hacks that can be done with one of America’s favorite desserts and here are just a few:

Dessert Hacks cream ice cream
Jenny Georgieva

   Here is my favorite dessert hack that takes some time, but is so worth it. Making a coffee milkshake. Now this requires some preparation. I suggest getting some coffee before you even start eating so it can cool, you’re only going to need like a third of a mug. If you’re at the end of your meal and it still feel warm, you could add some ice. Now let’s go to the ice cream machine, I suggest bringing something for stirring. Put some vanilla ice cream in there and start stirring. Sometimes you have to add more ice cream as you go, but it just takes a while to get to milkshake consistency. This hack is completely worth the time.

    For your classic every day ice cream, there is a dessert hack. I suggest grabbing a dessert from the dessert station, like a brownie, cookie, or some kind of bar, like a 7-layer bar. Put that in the base of your cup, you can use a spoon and push it to all sides and create a base for the ice cream. Then swirl your ice cream in there and proceed with your toppings as normal.

   We also always have cones out. If you’re in a pinch and you’ve got no toppings that day, create your own by crushing a cone for some crunch.

Dessert Hacks milk yogurt
Jocelyn Hsu

   Here is my favorite dessert hack that takes some time, but is so worth it. Making a coffee milkshake. Now this requires some preparation. I suggest getting some coffee before you even start eating so it can cool, you’re only going to need like a third of a mug. If you’re at the end of your meal and it still feel warm, you could add some ice. Now let’s go to the ice cream machine, I suggest bringing something for stirring. Put some vanilla ice cream in there and start stirring. Sometimes you have to add more ice cream as you go, but it just takes a while to get to milkshake consistency. This hack is completely worth the time.

Dessert Hacks beer coffee
Dana Kringel

Lastly, suggestion is a classic float. My dining commons has some small to go cups and it’s the perfect after meal treat on the go.

Would you like fries with that?

You can always dip your fries into your ice cream for a little salty-sweet action. You know there are probably other things you can do here, but it might get weird. Hot fudge and caramel on top of your fries? Okay too far… You get the point, I’m pro potato. 

   There are plenty of dessert hacks you can do with a few ingredients to fulfill your sweet tooth cravings. You just gotta get creative and don’t be afraid to eat a whole waffle if (when) necessary. 

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Nicole Fuller

Valley Forge '19