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Marmite vs Vegemite: Are They Different?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UVM chapter.

Marmite and Vegemite are two kinds of spreadable yeast extract that are especially popular in the UK and Australia, respectively. You might think they’re pretty much the same thing with different branding, but you’d be wrong. Each spread has a distinct and dedicated fan base that sets the two apart, but they also differ in taste, texture, and ingredients. Yeast extract, their only similarity and the base of both Marmite and Vegemite, was discovered in the 19th century by Justus Von Liebig. He realized that brewer’s yeast, the kind used to make beer, could be concentrated and eaten.

What’s in Marmite?

Marmite, the United Kingdom’s favorite, began in 1902 with the founding of the Marmite Food Company. The original recipe was flavored with salt, spices, vegetable extracts, and celery. Later, they added folic acid, vitamin B12, thiamin B1, niacin B3, and riboflavin B2. In regular doses, B vitamins can help promote healthy cell growth and help your body convert food to energy more efficiently. Marmite can be enjoyed in several ways, in an omelette, in a cheese toastie, or even in brownies! However, my personal favorite way to eat Marmite is simple—mix it into softened butter and spread it on toast.

What’s in Vegemite?

Down under, Vegemite reigns supreme. Vegemite began in 1922 when Dr. Cyril P. Callister developed a smooth, spreadable paste out of brewer’s yeast that he called “Pure Vegetable Extract.” Marmite was already being sold in Australia, but after some time and a failed rebranding effort in 1928, Vegemite came out on top.

Like Marmite, Vegemite is also packed with B vitamins, containing thiamin B1, riboflavin B2, niacin B3, and folic acid B9. While the original Vegemite doesn’t contain vitamin B12 like Marmite does, its reduced salt version is fortified with both vitamins B12 and B6. Its spice blend contains salt, spice extracts, celery extracts, malt extract, and potassium chloride as a flavor enhancer. Vegemite is often enjoyed on crackers or toast, but can be used in a multitude of ways, from meat dishes to a breakfast pizza.

Flavor of Marmite vs Vegemite

On the flavor side of things, Marmite’s taste can be described as salty and savory, with a smooth and sticky texture. Vegemite’s flavor can also be described as salty and savory, but with a hint of bitterness as well. Its texture is smooth, similar to melted chocolate. They differ in color as well, with Vegemite appearing a bit darker than Marmite.

While preference for Marmite or Vegemite is unique to everyone, I conducted a poll on my Instagram story, Snapchat story, and my university’s “Class of” Facebook pages to see what my peers thought. Since I do attend university in the US, most people hadn’t tried either. However, the results were close. Vegemite earned 6 votes while Marmite earned (drum roll, please)… 7! As for me, I’m team Marmite. As for you, you’ll just have to try them both for yourself.

I've made a name for myself as the maker of birthday cakes among my friends and people tell me I remind them of their respective moms because all I watch is Food Network, HGTV, and Criminal Minds.