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The 10 Best Tim Hortons Donuts, Ranked

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at USASK chapter.

Tim Hortons donuts and coffee are the classic Canadian duo, especially on campus. Walk into any 8:30 class and I guarantee that a good portion of students will have a coffee in one hand and their favourite donut in the other. Since I’m a math geek at heart, I was interested in knowing what kind of donut was the most popular. I conducted an incredibly scientific (not) survey of University of Saskatchewan students asking about their favourite classic Tim Hortons donut favourites. 

Note: While flavors like Nutella, Caramel Churro, Oreo, Pumpkin Spice, and Birthday cake are freaking delicious, they are not available year-round. For this reason, my analysis does not include these types. 

10. Old-Fashioned

Some (crazy) people prefer their donuts without all the sugary glaze, chocolate, and sprinkles. I mean, that’s cool because each donut is special in its own way. To make up for the lack of pizzaz, I’d recommend pairing this Tim Hortons donut with a fancier drink, like a Creamy Chocolate Chill. Alternatively, order a hot chocolate and dip the donut like a cookie. 

9. Jelly Filled 

Powdered sugar and jelly is 100x better than peanut butter and jelly. While messy and not the most convenient to eat on the go, this flavour definitely brings back memories. To fully embrace your childhood, order some chocolate milk to go with this flavor.

8. Honey Dip

Sweet, sticky, and perfect for eating on the go since there are no little bits that’ll risk getting your laptop dirty. Pair with a honey lemon tea for a honey-themed treat.

7. Apple Fritter

It’s got fruit, so it’s healthy right? Apple fritters are the most unique Tim Hortons donut to make the list. They are easier to eat because you can pull the dough apart section-by-section. Pair your fritter with an Iced Capp with a caramel shot for some autumn vibes. 

6. Vanilla Dip

Sprinkles make everything better. The best part about the Vanilla Dip is that Tim Hortons often gets creative with the sprinkles to reflect the seasons and holidays. You’ll find red and green colors in December and more blues and yellows in the spring. Order a vanilla latte to go with your vanilla dip. 

5. Chocolate Dip

If you’re too tired to remember your own name, go with this classic. Pair this Tim Hortons donut with a coffee.

4. Canadian Maple

Obviously, Canadians love anything maple-flavoured and their Tim Hortons donuts are no exception. The inside filling is fairly similar to a Boston Cream donut except with a stronger maple flavour. Order a double-double and you’re basically as Canadian as they come. 

3. Boston Cream

I’ll admit that I was shocked that Boston Cream didn’t claim the top spot because it’s my all-time favorite. The sweet chocolate topping is the perfect contrast to the smooth custard. The only downside to this guy is that the chocolate tends to stick to the inside of the bag. The solution? Just eat it right away. #ProblemSolved.

Since the best food combinations involve complementary flavours, order a mocha with your Boston Cream. 

2. Sour Cream Glazed

Coming in at a close second was the Sour Cream Glazed Donut. I know what you’re thinking—“Sour cream on a donut? No thank you.” Don’t knock it ’til you try it. Described as having a melt in your mouth texture, I promise the sour cream flavor is not overpowering. If you’re thinking of trying this odd combination, stick with a simple Iced Capp.

1. Honey Cruller

As one student described it, “Honey Cruller is hands down the best.” Coming in at number one, this donut is a clear winner amongst university students. Simple, tasty, and not too crazy, order a French Vanilla Cappuccino with a hazelnut shot for a sophisticated, yet tasty and practical, combination.  

So there you have it, the best Tim Hortons donuts according to university students. Of course, I’d recommend buying a dozen donuts whenever possible because you can never have too many donuts.

Lover of life, chocolate, learning, and music