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How to Make a Mango Sports Drink With Less Sugar Than Gatorade

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UNH chapter.

We all know rehydrating is a major #key to success. Many athletes turn to Gatorade because it does a good job replacing electrolytes, carbohydrates, and fluids that are lost during a workout.

Unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good in Gatorade. A regular bottle contains 56 grams of sugar (that’s like taking an actual shot of sugar). All that sugar can add up, especially when you don’t actually workout. Luckily, homemade sports drinks are easy to make and just as tasty without all the added nonsense.

Emma is the editorial manager of the University of New Hampshire's chapter, and will be graduating in 2016. She is studying English and EcoGastronomy. After a semester abroad in Italy eating and traveling, she started a Spoon chapter on her campus as a way to stay busy through her post-abroad blues. She has an abonorally large sweet tooth, loves Chinese food, and believes everything should come with a side of fries.