For those who claim to go to football games to “watch” the game but really go to eat the tailgating food that someone’s mom or grandma made, this one’s for you.
Let’s be real, tailgating has always been centered around foods like buffalo chicken dip, hamburgers, and frosted sugar cookies. I’m not saying that’s bad – I’m always the first person to reach for anything wrapped in bacon or smothered in cheese.
But, for the sake of those who are trying to cut back on calories while still snackin’ on something good, here are four simple ways to enjoy tailgating without the guilt.

Caprese on a Stick
Gather your ingredients and admire their fabulous colors.
Start layering your ingredients on a skewer in which ever order youâd like and finish them off with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper.

Chocolate Strawberry Footballs
Wash and thoroughly dry your strawberries and lay them aside to be dunked in dark chocolate.
Pour about a cup of dark chocolate chips into a glass measuring cup and microwave in 30 second intervals until chocolate is thoroughly melted.
Hold the strawberry by the stem and dip in dark chocolate; donât forget to let the excess drip into the bowl.
Put them on a pan with parchment paper or tinfoil and freeze them for 30 min.
After the chocolate has hardened, take your white icing with a narrow icing tip or in a plastic bag and pipe laces to make it look like a football.

Fruit Skewers

Mini Taco Bowls
Cook ground beef on the stove until brown. Drain out any juices.
Stir diced jalapeño into ground beef.
Add 1/4 cup water and taco seasoning and cook over medium heat until water is absorbed. Let sit on low heat.
Microwave each tortilla for 30 seconds and cut out 3 inch circles (I used a jar lid).
Place two circles into each muffin tin.
Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes or until crispy.
Place each taco shell on a cooling rack and fill with taco meat. Garnish with diced tomato and cheese. #SpoonTip: Place back in the over for 3-5 minutes to melt cheese.