Pizza is a staple in every college students’ life. Its there for you 24/7, especially after long nights of drinking. Its always down to avoid responsibilities and just Netflix and chill. Its helped you through all the all-nighters, breakups, and hard times. It never judges you when the delivery guy knows your name. And you can always count on pizza to help you rationalize breaking your diet for the day, week, month… its all one in the same. Now your relationship with pizza just got on a whole new level with this easy to make pizza pie. Yes, pie.

Pizza Pie
Place crust in a pie tin according to directions and crimp the sides. If you are using a frozen pie crust in a tin pan, just leave it. Using a fork, poke the bottom of the pie tin with some holes.
Create an egg wash by mixing together 1-3 TBS of water and 1 egg. Brush the hole crust with the egg wash.
Cook crust in the oven at 425°F for 10 minutes.
While the pie crust is baking, whisk together eggs and ricotta in a large bowl until combined.
Add the ricotta mixture to the pie crust and spread so the layer is even.
Add the tomato sauce and spread so it is even.
Then add the mozzarella and pepperoni.
Bake in the oven at 425°F for 20 minutes.
Take the pizza pie out of the oven and cool for 20 minutes. Slice and enjoy.