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Take Over Your Bagel With This Take 5 Cream Cheese Spread

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UFL chapter.

Never heard of a Take 5 candy bar? You’re probably not alone. It’s even been dubbed as “Hershey’s most undervalued candy brand in the world” in a Forbes opinion article. But fear not, you can still try one because the candy bar is trying to make a comeback after a period with no marketing support. In an attempt to do so, Hershey has recruited millennial marketers to help spread the love.

The essential five ingredients that define a Take 5 bar are: chocolate, pretzels, peanuts, caramel and peanut butter. This cream cheese spread replicates the sweetness and saltiness of the underrated candy bar.


Hi, I'm a senior journalism student at UF. I have a huge sweet tooth, but also don't mind a little spice in my life (Hot Cheetos are da bomb dot com). I also Insta my food, @thehungryhufflepuff.