Ah, St. Patty’s Day. A day where anything and everything bleeds Irish and green. My personal favorite way to celebrate the holiday though is to munch on classic Irish dishes like delicious bangers and savory potatoes.
However, year after year, this combo definitely gets old. I occasionally spice it up with some stew or corn beef, but there definitely has got to be a way to spice up the Irish cuisine some more. Then it occurred to me: why not infuse some of St. Patty’s best foods into a pizza? And thus, the ultimate St. Patty’s Day Pizza was born.

St. Patty’s Day Pizza
First things first, get your toppings ready to be cooked. Cut your sausages and potatoes up in whatever shape you would like them on your pizza. I chose half-inch thick sausage slices and one inch by one inch potato squares so they cook quickly.
Next, get a pan and coat it with olive oil. Once the oil is hot, throw the following ingredients in: a spoonful of garlic, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, and 1 teaspoon of oregano. Toss your sausages around these spices and pour your Guinness all over the sausages. Let the slices simmer on medium heat for 7 minutes.
#SpoonTip: The longer you let the sausages simmer in beer, the more glazed the meat becomes.
You will cook the potatoes very similarly, but in a separate pan. Again, coat your pan with olive oil and then throw in: a spoonful of garlic, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, and 1 teaspoon of oregano.
#SpoonTip: add extra olive oil to make the potatoes crispier. Cook these savory squares for 7 minutes or until golden.
Time to take your dough and start shaping it into your desired figure. The more you spread the dough out, the thinner the pizza (and the less time it will take to cook). I got mine to a medium thickness, but mostly because I am an awful pizza roller. Hopefully you are a lot better because obviously my attempt at making a square pizza became a whale’s tail very easily.
#SpoonTip: Use a rolling pin because this is harder than it seems.
Pizza typically has tomato sauce, but in the spirit of St. Patty’s Day, I decided to use a green pesto sauce. Take 4 ounces of pesto and lay it onto dough. Leave some space on the edges of the dough so you have some crust to eat. If you like your pizza extra (or lacking) sauce, feel free to adjust the amount of pesto used.
Again, put 1 spoonful of garlic, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, and 1 teaspoon of oregano on top of the pesto. Then coat the pizza in ample amounts of cheese for a ooey-gooey masterpiece.
Finally, take your wonderfully Irish sausages and potatoes and spread them around your pizza. After that, take your spinach leaves and create three three-leaf clovers around the pizza for some extra St. Patty’s Day luck.
Pre-heat your oven to 400°F and bake your pizza for 23 minutes or until the crust is golden. Once complete, let it sit for five minutes and then dig in!
This St. Patty’s Day, don’t let anyone pinch you because you aren’t wearing green. Show them your magnificent Irish pizza and they’ll understand the best kind of green is in your stomach being digested