Just imagine – you’ve overslept and are late for class, but you need your caffeine boost to get through the day. You don’t have time to get coffee, and you’re too fancy for a plain cup of tea, so what do you do? This quick fix is here to save the day. With this easy trick, tea lattes are a piece of cake to make in a dorm room or dining hall.
See, the secret here is to use hot vanilla mix (I recommend Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf’s French Deluxe Vanilla Powder). Since it already has dry milk and sugar and a kick of vanilla flavor, it allows you to create a tea latte in one easy step. Plus, it is cheaper than buying one at Starbucks.
I have found that the best teas for making this are black teas and certain green teas, but you can use whatever tea you want. Really, the only other things you need are a source of hot water and some hot vanilla powder.
Dining hall alternative: Place your tea in a mug of hot vanilla and allow to steep for about 2 minutes.

Tea Latte Trick
Allow your tea to steep for about 2 minutes (or until it reaches your strength of preference).
Add the vanilla powder and stir.