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2017 11 18 18 05 01
2017 11 18 18 05 01

Impressive Chocolate Mousse for Your Next Get-Together

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UBC chapter.

If you are thinking of an impressive dish to make for your next potluck or get-together, this chocolate mousse could be the answer. Making the mousse itself is not too difficult, but adding the piece of sugar art and decorating it will make it look like Instagram-worthy perfection. 

Since the chocolate mousse needs to sit in the fridge for at least five hours anyways, they can be made the night before to save time. Surprise your friends and family at the next dinner party with this eye-catching chocolate mousse! 

Chocolate Mousse

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 20 minutesCook time:5 hours 40 minutesTotal time:6 hours Servings:4 servings



  1. Athena Huynh

    An hour before, chill a metal bowl that you will use to whip the heavy cream. Using the 1/4 cup refrigerated coconut cream and 1/2 cup of the heavy cream, whip in the chilled metal bowl until stiff peaks form. Place in the fridge until needed.

    #SpoonTip: The coconut milk should be refrigerated for at least four hours until it can be used. This is because you need the liquid to separate from the thick cream. Only use the cream part to whip.

  2. Athena Huynh

    Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Over a double boiler on medium-low heat, melt together the chocolate, instant espresso or coffee powder, sugar, and vanilla extract. The end product may look like a thick paste. Once melted, allow this mixture to cool slightly before whisking it into the egg yolks. This is because the yolks need to be tempered, or else they will scramble from the hot mixture.

    #SpoonTip: A double boiler is when a bowl is placed on top of a pot with about two inches of water. The water should not touch the bottom of the bowl.

  3. Athena Huynh

    Temper the egg yolks by adding a little bit of the chocolate mixture and then fully whisking it in. Repeat until the temperature of the egg yolks are slowly brought up, and then proceed to add the chocolate mixture in bigger amounts.

    Once the chocolate mixture has been mixed with the egg yolks, let this combined mixture to sit and cool while you work on the egg whites.

  4. Athena Huynh

    For the egg whites, add the pinch of salt and beat them until soft peaks form. You will know you are at the soft peak stage if you lift the whisk up and see a peak of egg white that will fold over on itself. Do not continue to beat once this stage has been met.

    #SpoonTip: The pinch of salt is used as a stabilizer for the egg whites. Using a pinch of Cream of Tartar is also an option.

  5. Athena Huynh

    Fold half of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Once incorporated, fold in the other half. It is very important that the egg whites are not stirred in because that will deflate them and you will lose all the air that you have beaten into them. Afterwards, fold in the whipped cream that has been chilling in the fridge.

    #SpoonTip: Folding means to gently scoop from the bottom of the bowl, bringing the product to the top.

  6. Athena Huynh

    Spoon your mousse mixture into ramekins or small bowls and let them refrigerate for at least five hours. To ensure that the mousse sets evenly, place the ramekins on a tray and cover with plastic wrap.

    Only start on the sugar art when you are ready to serve.

  7. Athena Huynh

    For the sugar art, heat the sugar up in a pan on medium-low heat until the edges seem to be browning and the sugar starts to liquify. Keep stirring from time to time. Meanwhile, prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper. Once all the sugar has been melted, immediately start using it as the sugar will harden very quickly.

  8. Athena Huynh

    On the baking sheet, start creating the pieces of sugar art by taking a fork or spoon and drizzling the melted sugar in a criss-cross pattern. Let these pieces cool and harden before using them.

  9. Athena Huynh

    When you are ready to serve your chocolate mousses, whip the left over 1/4 cup of heavy cream to make whipped cream. Place a dollop of whipped cream on top and stick in a piece of sugar art. Decorate with a berry or two and a mint leaf. Enjoy!

Chocolate mousse does take a bit of patience and focus, but the work pays off when you taste a spoonful of the smooth, creamy, and airy mousse.

Try out this recipe for a more detailed explanation on how to make coconut whipped cream. Using all coconut cream or heavy cream instead of mixing the two is completely fine. Beating egg whites to the desired stage may take a little bit of practice. This page has great descriptions on how each stage of beating egg whites should look like

Hi! I'm a first year student at UBC studying Food, Nutrition, and Health. Cooking is not only a passion of mine, but it's my favourite way to unwind!