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Spoon Michigan X Joe’s Pizza Fundraiser for Michigan Medicine

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Mich chapter.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, people from all over the world are appreciating the bravery and selflessness of healthcare workers on the frontlines now more than ever. As they have been sent home from universities to quarantine and social distance responsibly, the student efforts nationwide have helped those who help so many. Additionally, the restaurant industry has been hit incredibly hard by the pandemic, as dine-in options have ceased to exist. This month’s #AllSpoonsOnDeck campaign by Spoon University has shown the power of Spoon chapters in their drive to support local campus restaurants in this difficult time. The members of Spoon Michigan decided to duly show their support for both healthcare professionals and a local campus favorite by partnering with Joe’s Pizza for a fundraiser to raise money to have pizzas delivered to Michigan Medicine.

The Fundraiser

Alex Vena

Once connecting with Joe’s, Spoon Michigan reached out to its members to spread the word. The fundraiser lasted for two days, over which members of the Spoon Michigan team reached out to their family and friends through social media. As this was put together shortly after most students returned home from campus, we were unsure of what the results would be. We were amazed by the outpouring of support from relatives, classmates, Michigan alumni, and more.

The Total

Alex Vena

After a mere 48 hours, the Spoon Michigan team was able to raise over $1,700! This equated to 80 pizzas, plus 20 more provided by Joe’s, totaling 100 pies delivered to those on the frontlines at Michigan Medicine. We are so appreciative of those who donated and our hearts were so full when we saw the pizzas being delivered to Michigan Medicine.

Ongoing Efforts of Spoon Michigan

Julia Weiner

Julia Weiner

Other than this fundraiser, Spoon Michigan has continued to support other local Ann Arbor organizations and businesses throughout the pandemic. We have reached out to our community about donating to Ann Arbor food pantries, who are in desperate need during these challenging times. Additionally, we have continued to promote local restaurants and food companies. One example is GoNanas, a local banana bread company founded by two University of Michigan and Spoon Michigan alumni, as their sales have been quite negatively impacted. You can read about their new quarantine banana bread making kit, as well as some tips on how to keep busy during quarantine in this article

This fundraiser showed us the good in people that emerges throughout times of trouble, as well as the great power of #AllSpoonsOnDeck.

DISCLAIMER: Pictures of the Joe’s Pizza fundraiser were taken by the Joe’s Pizza Ann Arbor staff.

Alex Vena

U Mich '23