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Wake and Bake With These Weed-Infused Coffee Pods

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Iowa chapter.

If you ask the average college student what comes to mind when they hear the word “marijuana,” most will probably reply with the same general ideas: parties, weed-infused brownies, That ‘70s Show, and so on. What you probably won’t hear? Relaxation. Sustainability. And, of course, coffee.

Hoping to launch their products in early 2017 in six states, Brewbudz produces coffee, tea, and cocoa infused with a drug we all know by a more common name—weed. The idea is to combine two recreational, relaxing routines into a drink, tingeing all the decadent richness of your favorite morning beverage with the calming, curative essence of cannabis. 

Not only this, but they claim to provide a less obtrusive way to take the medicine your body needs, should you be utilizing marijuana as a prescribed drug.

Is this a good idea?

Well, it depends on how you weigh the pros and the cons. Cannabis—specifically THC—has indeed been shown to prevent the nausea and vomiting induced by most cancer medications. There are also theories of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, including chemicals that could protect brain cells.

The scientists at Brewbudz worked carefully to come up with an extraction process that delivers this powerful benefit—known as the Entourage Effect—in every cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa they produce. And, by drinking the drug instead of smoking it, you avoid the damage otherwise wrought on your lungs.

A scroll through the company’s Instagram page is much like a stroll through a deep and serene wood; instead of focusing on the social implications of the drug, they associate it with images of peace and calm. There overall effect serves to remove marijuana from its rowdy connotations and give it something more meaningful to represent—a new standard in edibles. 


As a company, Brewbudz appears to be doing everything right. They’re eco-friendly, manufacturing their K-cups—14 billion of which, annually produced, are not recyclable—with compostable materials (namely, the outside of coffee beans that usually gets discarded anyway). In fact, their main slogan reads “good for you, good for the earth.” I don’t know how anyone can be against that.

Weed Infused cereal espresso
Photo courtesy of brewbudz

While I personally do not partake in this pastime, I can definitely see the goodness in this weed-infused coffee company. They’re not presenting this invention as a “super cool” way to get high; rather, they offer a unique, enjoyable way to take in the benefits of this often scapegoated drug. Maybe it’s about time we all viewed weed in this light—as in important provider of wellness and tranquility.

"I think the carrots counteract the vodka, like, health-wise, right?"An intern for HQ this summer!