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The 3 Cheapest Brunch Spots on UChicago’s Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Chicago chapter.

Packed with small shops, Hyde Park is a great neighborhood for UChicago students. If students want to escape from library life at any time, they can grab a few friends, roam around the area and grab a quick bite to eat for brunch. Worried about your budget? Try one of these three restaurants to have a good brunch at a cheap price.

Salonica Restaurant

Located on 57th Street and South Blackstone Avenue, Salonica is a great local diner. Most of their dishes are under $10, so their food tastes amazing at a great value. The restaurant itself offers a fusion of Greek and American in its aesthetic, a pleasing sight for anyone who wants to enjoy a lazy morning.

Zaleski & Horvath Market Cafe

Z&H is a café that is often overshadowed by Medici, its next door neighbor. Their sandwiches are very filling and delicious for less than $10, and they’re located at such a convenient place that you could walk from the Regenstein Library to Z&H and back in only a short amount of time. The edgy music creates a cool and hipster vibe during your brunch.

Daley’s Restaurant

Located on 63rd, Daley’s Restaurant is another great deal. Their menu also consists of classic American breakfast dishes that are less than $10. Their portions are big, and their friendly service will make you feel right at home. If you’re located near BJ or South, this place is a nice alternative to the Med.

Try one of these places next time you’re on a brunch date with your pals!

Michelle Hahn

U Chicago '20