Prowling through the cereal aisle, you’ll quickly discover that nearly all store brand granolas have added sugar – brown sugar, honey, stevia, or granulated sugar are the most common culprits. This is a prime example of how many foods we consider to be healthy can actually be hiding sugar, like these.
This quick and easy recipe is a great way to enjoy granola without having to worry about those pesky added sugars.

No Sugar Added Banana Granola
Break apart the two bananas into a bowl and mash until smooth.
Stir the oats into the banana mixture.
Add the cinnamon and pepita seeds.
Spread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Remove pan from the oven and break granola apart. Then put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.
Let its sit for a while until it gets a crunchy texture. Then chow down and store some for later.